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The Youth Support Center at Juliette Fowler Communities

The Problem Texas is the second-largest hub for sex trafficking in the country. The city of Dallas is one of the top 10 cities nationwide with the most sex trafficking. It is a $99 million a year crime. There are an estimated 400 trafficked teens on the street each night … Read More >

National Adoption Month – Time to Support Foster Youth

November is National Adoption month.  This is a time to encourage families to adopt while alerting our community about the vulnerable children who do not get adopted and age out of foster care. Foster care is intended to be a temporary service provided by states for children who cannot live … Read More >

Michelle Kinder’s Speech at 2019 Visionary Women Luncheon

Fowler Visionary Woman Remarks May 3, 2019 15 min   I was overwhelmed – and overwhelmed with gratitude – when Ann called me to share the news of this honor. That feeling grew a 1000-fold as I spent more time with Nicole, Ann, Ashley, Natalie and Mike, Abby and the … Read More >

Visionary Women Luncheon 2019

A LUNCHEON BENEFITING JULIETTE FOWLER COMMUNITIES Friday, May 3, 2019 Reception 11-11:50 AM Luncheon 12:00PM – 1:15PM Omni Dallas Hotel, 555 S. Lamar, Dallas 75202

Why having a plan is the most independent thing you can do…

Happy Independence Day! We celebrate July 4th at Juliette Fowler Communities with friends and family, flags and food, and perhaps a few sparklers thrown in. Looking up through the branches of our majestic oak trees, we see fireworks and hear patriotic tunes wafting over from Lakewood Country Club and Fair … Read More >

Dear Juliette: Advice for Young and Older

Dear Juliette, Mom was diagnosed with dementia and our family is planning for her care. Why should we consider moving her to a memory care community? Signed, “Embracing the New Normal” in Dallas Dear “New Normal,” There are many excellent reasons to move mom. Living in a community offers socialization, … Read More >

Things we learned at Visionary Women 2018

Over 710 wonderful people united at the Dallas Omni on April 20, 2018, to Frame the Future, raising over $235,000, and making a beautiful difference in the lives of young and older at Juliette Fowler Communities. More than 125 years ago, a young widow, Juliette Peak Fowler, suffered the loss … Read More >

Don’t Let the Sandwich Take a Bite Out of YOU

If you’re raising or supporting children while caring for older parents, you don’t need to go to the deli for a sandwich, you’re living in one. In fact, you may feel like you’re squeezed in a Panini machine! According to the Pew Research Center, 47% of adults in their 40s … Read More >

Aware Yourself!

Did you know, 1 in 4 adults experience mental illness in a given year. Mental illness is a disorder of the brain. Like any other part of our body, the brain changes over time. The stigma attached with mental illness prevents many of us from getting the help we deserve, … Read More >

Catch some ZZZZ’s

Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night.  Sleep is needed to restore brain chemicals.  Skipping your ZZZZ’s can affect your body’s daily functioning, hormonal balance, appetite and immune system.  While you are catching some ZZZZ’s, your body is recharging itself.  When the body goes to sleep, it seems like … Read More >