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Dear Juliette: Advice for Young and Older

Dear Juliette, Mom was diagnosed with dementia and our family is planning for her care. Why should we consider moving her to a memory care community? Signed, “Embracing the New Normal” in Dallas Dear “New Normal,” There are many excellent reasons to move mom. Living in a community offers socialization, … Read More >

Things we learned at Visionary Women 2018

Over 710 wonderful people united at the Dallas Omni on April 20, 2018, to Frame the Future, raising over $235,000, and making a beautiful difference in the lives of young and older at Juliette Fowler Communities. More than 125 years ago, a young widow, Juliette Peak Fowler, suffered the loss … Read More >

Don’t Let the Sandwich Take a Bite Out of YOU

If you’re raising or supporting children while caring for older parents, you don’t need to go to the deli for a sandwich, you’re living in one. In fact, you may feel like you’re squeezed in a Panini machine! According to the Pew Research Center, 47% of adults in their 40s … Read More >

Aware Yourself!

Did you know, 1 in 4 adults experience mental illness in a given year. Mental illness is a disorder of the brain. Like any other part of our body, the brain changes over time. The stigma attached with mental illness prevents many of us from getting the help we deserve, … Read More >

Catch some ZZZZ’s

Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night.  Sleep is needed to restore brain chemicals.  Skipping your ZZZZ’s can affect your body’s daily functioning, hormonal balance, appetite and immune system.  While you are catching some ZZZZ’s, your body is recharging itself.  When the body goes to sleep, it seems like … Read More >

Engage Yourself

Research shows if you are regularly engaged in social interaction you will increase your brain life. For a healthy brain diet, a combination of physical and mental activity with social engagement is very important.  Social engagement reduces the rates of disability and mortality and also reduces the risk for depression. … Read More >

Challenge Yourself!

Nothing is impossible.  Even the word “impossible” says “I’m possible.”  As you get older, your brain ages but you have the power to change how sharp your brain stays.  Mentally challenging activities such as learning a new skill, adopting a new hobby or engaging in formal education can have long-term … Read More >

Get your heart pumping!

Researchers have found that healthy habits can improve your health as you age.  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, these habits can help keep your brain healthy and possibly reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia.  Over the next few weeks with the help of the Alzheimer’s Association and our friends … Read More >