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The Youth Support Center at Juliette Fowler Communities

The Problem Texas is the second-largest hub for sex trafficking in the country. The city of Dallas is one of the top 10 cities nationwide with the most sex trafficking. It is a $99 million a year crime. There are an estimated 400 trafficked teens on the street each night … Read More >

First Day of School

Dear Friend, We have just celebrated our 7th “First Day of School” at The Ebby House! Every “first” brings excitement, anticipation, and expectation with a touch of nerves, anxiety and doubt. As you can imagine The Ebby House is bursting with all these emotions and one more – gratitude. Fifty-seven … Read More >

Children and Youth Services at Juliette Fowler Communities Fueled by The One Heart Fund

Child Services The Vision: Juliette Fowler Communities provides hope and healing to hurting children through supporting foster families and abused and neglected youth. By the Numbers: Number of children served year-to-date (1/1/20-3/31/20):   43 Total days of care year-to-date (1/1/20-3/31/20):   2,771 Number of collaborative licensed foster homes:   41 Juliette Fowler Communities … Read More >


The Vision: Providing hope and healing to hurting children through foster parents By The Numbers Number of children served year-to-date 95 Total days of care year-to-date 13,191 Number of collaborative licensed foster homes 42 Every day, 700 children enter America’s foster care system. Especially for older children, this is a … Read More >

Thank you Hattie Mae Lesley Foundation!

Thank you Hattie Mae Lesley Foundation for once again funding The Ebby House Programs. The Ebby House at Juliette Fowler Communities is more than a shelter. It is a home for young girls ready to launch into successful adulthood. This month, the Hattie Mae Lesley Foundation granted The Ebby House … Read More >

National Adoption Month – Time to Support Foster Youth

November is National Adoption month.  This is a time to encourage families to adopt while alerting our community about the vulnerable children who do not get adopted and age out of foster care. Foster care is intended to be a temporary service provided by states for children who cannot live … Read More >


The Vision: Providing hope and healing to hurting children through foster parents By The Numbers Number of children served year-to-date 81 Total days of care year-to-date 10,735 Number of collaborative licensed foster homes 42   Every day, 700 children enter America’s foster care system. Especially for older children, this is … Read More >

Are You a Member of America’s “Most Vulnerable”?

Try your hand at rating these questions “true” or “false”: There are legitimate lotteries that award money to people who didn’t enter.   You can purchase overseas lottery tickets in the U.S., but you may pay foreign taxes on your winnings.   You can get big discounts when you hire … Read More >