- We are 8 days into our nation’s 15 Day Slow to Spread mandate
- Please keep doing your part to stop the spread of this invisible virus.
- Wash your hands frequently
- Sanitize hard surfaces – doorknobs, elevator buttons
- Yesterday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins order shelter in place
- People have not been socially isolating.
- You are to be commended because we began our shelter in place routine last week – we chose to be proactive in our efforts and we were an early adopter of all that has now
- Thank you for all you are doing to keep your neighbors and our staff well
- Let’s talk about grocery orders
- Our ordering time frame has been extended – it is taking at least a week to get your orders now that sheltering in place has been enacted
- Plan ahead on your orders.
- Order things that have a long shelf life
- Order what you need and maintain items in your pantry for a rainy day
- Rest assured, we are not having food shortages; there is a run on grocery items. our grocery stores cannot keep up with the shopping demand. Our stores are scrambling to keep their shelves stocked – they have reduced their shopping hours to give employees enough time to restock at night.
- If you have an urgent food need, please let us know.
- Let’s talk about how your groceries get ordered and delivered.
- We are utilizing our staff in our accounting office and to order groceries on your behalf.
- They are ordering these groceries through online grocery stores.
- When the orders arrive, our team in support services is sanitizing every bag or box and using gloves and hand sanitizer to protect themselves.
- We are maintaining strict social distancing – not standing within 6 feet of any delivery person
- We are doing the best we can do to keep out an invisible virus out
- Thank you for continuing to do your part to stop the spread.
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org