- White House Press Conference held a press conference yesterday at 5pm
- All 50 states now have confirmed cases
- US – 3808 confirmed; 70 deaths
- Testing has been expanded
- We now have protocols that allow higher testing levels
- By implementing a national state of emergency, the president empowered states and elevated states to a federal level to react to this health crisis
- Effective this week, 1.9 tests are available to more than 2000 labs
- This does not mean that tests will be performed upon request. They will still be done adhering to criteria and priority to test the most vulnerable first
- Healthcare workers and emergency responders who keep our healthcare system running – we must keep them healthy
- Older adults – those 65 older, with respiratory symptoms and fever of 99.6
- Individuals with compromised immune systems
- A website is being developed for online screening
- It is important that we do not impact our acute care settings
- Do not go to the emergency room unless you are experiencing a true medical emergency.
- Cancel/postpone all routine healthcare until June
- Our healthcare workers must be able to balance the needs among diagnosis and treatment
- This is why Fowler was an early adopter of restrictive access; we are adopting all recommendations as quickly as possible – you are our priority
- Parkland has setup a drive through testing site for healthcare workers effective today.
- CDC has recommended no events more than 50 people
- The mayor will hold a press conference today and we will bring you those updates
- As of yesterday, Dallas has a total of 15 presumptive positive cases
- A presumptive positive case is a confirmed case at a local testing site
- Currently all confirmed cases at local sites are sent to the CDC for confirmation
Watch for the GOD SIGHTINGS – where do you see God at work in our midst.
- We would love to hear these stories
- The COVID hotline is available for questions and for inspiration
- If you see a GOD SIGHTING – email us at covid19info@fowlercommunities.org or call 214-515-7184
- Here is a message we saw on Facebook yesterday.
“No words to express the tireless energy and love for the staff and residents of FCA.
I have my cozy quarantined little cocoon haven that I will be very happy in until I am told it is safe to come out. The staff of Fowler communities has provided every need from the largest grocery ordered down to the smallest little detail that we have asked them to do or help us with during this most trying and frustrating week that I think any of us have experienced.
We will survive this.
Let us pray for our doctors And their staff
Let us pray for each other.
And above all let us keep prayers in our hearts for our Fowler community staff.”
- Thank you, Susan for your encouraging comments.
Chaplain Vanessa:
In times like this, when we are feeling fearful, we just need to get back to basics.
And for me, basics is my favorite verse:
God so loved the world that he gave us His son
Jesus took the next step, he showed us how to be in community and how to treat each other.
Through Jesus, we know love, we see love and Jesus modeled how we give love.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
I can do what needs to be done through Christ, because we are the hands, feet, and love of God.
Holy and living God
We know your presence is among us
We want to see you in every moment
Open our eyes and ears and send the spirit to fill us up to provide a calmness and peace
A spirit of fear does not come from you
We are going to push away that fear and focus on your love
We thank you for this community
For the leadership
For our healthcare workers
For the servant leaders who are helping each other and all of us
Continue to be with us and be in our midst.
Its in Jesus’ name that we pray these things