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Daily Briefing, April 15, 2020


  • Good afternoon Fowler Family!
  • I want to start with a letter we received from a family member:
    • Hi all. Hope you are doing well. My mom tells me of the restrictions that you have put into place there. THANK YOU!! I live in New Jersey where things are tough right now and I am glad that you are all working so hard to try to prevent the virus from taking hold in your facility. Thank you for taking care of my mom when I cant. Hang in there and wash you hands! Katie Palmer, Daughter of Diana Palmer
  • This letter touched me in so many ways and it helped me put in perspective what we are facing here at Fowler
    • We have talked about grief in recent days – and how some of us are experiencing various stages of grief for various reasons
    • It also reminded me of the strength of our families who are separated from their loved ones – both residents and team members – we are all missing each other dearly and have an opportunity to stand in the space for each other
    • And then there are acts of the acts of kindness that come out of hard times. Our Godwinks as Chaplain Venessa calls them
    • Have you ever heard the saying – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. What a kind note from an appreciative daughter – and her mom Diana has been sending appreciation in her way way – by baking goodies for staff – thank you Diana. We appreciate you too
  • We are still COVID free and that is because everyone is pulling together and doing what has been asked of us
  • You are all to be commended – I thank you so very much.
  • Recently someone asked, if there was a case of COVID here, would we know?
  • And the answer is yes.
  • We would of course be mindful of our privacy regulations but we have a full blown disaster plan that includes various scenarios and also includes a phone tree for notification
  • We also have a COVID triage area setup, and we are prepared with PPE and an isolation area should it happen
  • We have all of this labeled – Pray we never have to use – and we do pray every day
  • I have a couple of requests
    • One is a prayer request – my only sister Crissy started chemo therapy today
    • She received her cancer diagnosis the day we shut down our community
    • If you would keep Crissy and our family in your prayers I would greatly appreciate it
  • My second request is something I want you to think about
  • We are going to begin this conversation today and ask for your thoughts
  • So here’s my question
  • As we watch the debate in the news about opening back up the economy and maintaining health protection, how does that play out here at Fowler?
  • How do we gradually open back up recognizing that we have healthcare regulations and local laws to consider
  • It will not surprise any of you that we take a more narrow view in the pursuit of protection and risk mitigation!
  • How do we stairstep back down from the restrictions we are living
  • Please know that this is NOT happening today.
  • We anticipate our cozy and contained living will continue through mid-May, maybe longer
  • However it is not too soon for us to develop plans and start having the conversation to imagine what a GRADUAL opening might look like
  • The re-opening of Fowler will take weeks
  • This will be like dipping your toe in the pool and gradually getting wet – THIS WILL NOT BE A PLUNGE
  • So I would appreciate if you give that some thought and send us any ideas you have
  • I’ve said it before and I will say it again – when this is over we will have one incredible party!
  • So let me close with some humor from Liz
  • I was sitting on the couch last night with my husband and he sweetly whispered…The best part of all of this is that I get to spend more time with you and as I looked over at him lovingly I realized he was talking to the dog not me.
  • Love you all – keep washing your hands, keep your masks on and love your on your neighbors.
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COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919.