Janet D. Smith is a recovering plantaholic who considers the Master Gardener, Master Naturalist and native plant training as her 12-step program. She specializes in growing drought-tolerant plants that attract bees, butterflies, and birds. She loves helping others discover the thrill of having their own nature channel out their windows.
Janet’s love of gardening didn’t start until after she took early retirement and decided to spruce up her dismal landscape. The next year she took the Master Gardening training and learned how to actually grow and care for plants. She embraced the concept of WaterWise Gardening in her landscape and as a speaker. A few years later she became a Master Naturalist and joined the Native Plant Society of Texas where she now coordinates their very active Native Landscape Certification Program.
But in addition to waterwise gardening, Janet discovered the intrigue of butterfly gardening, as well, and is coming to share with us her knowledge and experience of understanding all things butterfly!
Event will take place in the Jackson Living Center Media Room at 1234 Abrams Road Dallas, TX 75214
At main entrance on Abrams Road
Wednesday, June 29, 2022 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Free to the public
Seating is limited; please RSVP 214.818.0344
Event will take place in the Jackson Living Center Media Room.