- Fowler was an early adopter of restrictive access; we are taking a proactive approach in keeping Fowler safe
- You will continue to hear information and new processes as new information is vetted and assimilated.
- National updates
- States and cities all over the country continue to adopt stronger protocols
- Bars, restaurants and entertainment facilities are closing indefinitely in 6 states to date
- COMPLETE isolation is essential to stop the spread
- The Defense officials announced restrictions on domestic travel yesterday for service members, defense employees, and family members
- The military has had 37 positive cases
- First clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine has begun. Today the first of 45 young volunteers received their first dose – could take up to 18 months to have it validated and in hand for the public. This is the historic for 2 reasons – quickest vaccine development on record – took only two months, and first vaccine to utilize human trials first
- The White House will hold another briefing this afternoon
- We have been in contact with our local health department who will assist us in securing supplies as needed
- For residents who are ordering food or having family members drop off food
- Please order essentials only. Cases of wine and cokes are not essential items
- Please be mindful of your quantities as our staff is sanitizing and delivering – we need to manage the magnitude
- FCA residents, bread tables will be setup in your respective buildings
- Review of travel and departure policy.
Chaplain Vanessa
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
- We are starting prayer request boxes will be placed at all drop off spots this afternoon
- Prayer requests boxes will be picked up at 11 am every afternoon and read at the 2pm update
- If you want your prayer request to be anonymous – please check that on the paper.
- If anyone would like to have a Jesus Calling devotional let Chaplain Vanessa know – these will be provided free of charge; Chaplain Vanessa’s name and phone number will be written inside
Most holy God, Thank you for an afternoon that provide an opportunity for us to pray and be together.
We feel your presence in our life. We ask for your guidance. We lift up the servants, the staff, those who are working to
keep all of us afe at Fowler. We know you are in our midst. Thank you, God, Amen.
COVID Hotline
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
Phone: 214-515-7184