- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- It’s Godwink Sunday!
- We have had a few Godwinks turned in this week
- Victor in FCA has shared that he is seeing a Good Do-er. Someone who is responsible and disciplined
- Thank you, Victor – we are seeing a lot of people who are acting responsibly and with great discipline. We are so grateful for all our residents who are staying inside the gates and honoring the guidelines. Our goals are simply to protect you and your neighbors.
- Annie Jones wrote an encouraging note to Stephanie Brown who is our director of therapy and Stephanie wanted to share it
- Hi Stephanie, How happy I was to find you on Channel 6! I feel I’ve been blessed. Must say I enjoy your dance step and bounce and laugh…you’re remarkable. Sure do miss you in person. Peace and prayers, Annie
- Thank you for the kind note in support of a staff member, Annie. It made Stephanie’s day!
- This story reminds us that God puts us in the right place at the right time and when we keep our eyes and ears open, opportunities to be helpful are all around us.
- A dog in FCA was injured on the elevator and having difficulty walking. The first vet that looked at him suggested his back was broken and was going to charge $500 for xrays to confirm that diagnosis which was far more than our resident could pay. Much to our resident’s dismay the vet recommended the dog be put down. The resident returned home with her dog who was in great pain. When Malena Dickey heard the next day, she jumped into action and was able to secure an appointment with her vet who only charged $160 and he provided a different diagnosis and treatment that worked! We are so grateful that Malena heard the story and was able to act quickly and save our resident from a sad situation of losing her beloved pet and that the dog is recovering!
- These are the Godwinks that were shared this week
- I want to close with an inspirational quote
- Sunshine is not cancelled
- Spring is not cancelled
- Love is not cancelled
- Relationships are not cancelled
- Reading is not cancelled
- Naps are not cancelled
- Devotion is not cancelled
- Music is not cancelled
- Dancing is not cancelled
- Imagination is not cancelled
- Kindness is not cancelled
- Conversations are not cancelled
- HOPE is not cancelled
- Keep looking up folks, keep finding the good
- If you want to share an act of kindness that you have seen or experienced, please send it to Chaplain Venessa, venessah@fowlercommunities.org, or write it on a piece of paper and drop it in one of our prayer boxes that are placed in each building.
- Let’s make it a great day, on purpose!
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COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919.