- I have some God-winks and sunshine messages to share
- Here is a special thank you from a family member
- I just wanted to tell you again, “THANK YOU!” Thank you and everyone who is serving my Dad and everyone else’s relatives who live there. Thank you for taking extra care to keep yourselves healthy and away from others so that the virus doesn’t reach the residents of Juliette Fowler. I’m praying for your health daily. Thank you for working hard, but please take care of yourselves! Eat well, get sleep. I think I can speak for all family members when I say we love you for what you do, especially now! I’m really looking forward to the day when I can come visit again.
- Yesterday was Pastor Virzola Law’s birthday and we did a birthday post on the Fowler Facebook page. Virzola is the senior minister at Northway Christian Church and she responded with the following message: “Thanks Juliette Fowler Communities. The ministry of JFC to the elders and most vulnerable in our community inspires me to be better. Thanks for your love and commitment especially during this fragile time in our community.”
- From resident Monette:
- Just a few minutes ago, I had the most beautiful thing happen. Our dear Keyairria brought me an acrostic she had made from my name and I was completely blown away! It is unbelievable. What thoughtful & loving thing to do. I wanted to send this to you as my testament to her!
- From a Wilshire Heights Neighbor to our team members
- Thank you so much for caring for our vulnerable Dallas neighbors during this crisis. Your dedication inspires us all. Please stay safe! We hope even now you are able to find moments of joy, love, laughter and peace. We’re with you! #Alone Together
- Thank you.
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org