- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- As of 4:00 pm yesterday, November 16, 2020, Dallas County Health and Human Services is reporting 1831 additional positive cases COVID-19 in Dallas County,
- 1695 confirmed cases
- 136 probably cases
- More than 5000 in 3 days!
- Dallas Health and Human Services is urging people to stop eating in restaurants and going to public spaces
- Throughout the country, more than a dozen states have issued new mandates including face covering, size of gatherings and stay at home orders
- Johns Hopkins reported more than 166,000 new cases on Monday across the country – the 3rd highest in a single day
- More than 73,000 COVID 19 patients are in hospitals
- Grave concern exists regarding the ability to manage our rise in cases and our hospitalization before a vaccine gets to the market
- A new vaccine was announced yesterday by US company, Moderna that is showing nearly 95% effectiveness
- They plan to apply for approval to use the vaccine in the next few weeks
- The trial involved 30,00 people in the US with half being given two doses of the vaccine 4 weeks apart
- The rest had dummy injections
- The results are based on the first 95 people in the study to develop COVID
- Only 5 had received the vaccine, the other 90 were given the dummy injections
- 11 cases of severe COVID were in the trail – but none happened in people who were immunized
- It is anticipated that Pfizer and Moderna could produce enough vaccine for 20 million people in the US by mid-December with the first doses going to people with the highest risk, healthcare workers, emergency medical workers and residents in nursing homes
- WE ARE STILL MONTHS AWAY from a vaccine being widely available to the public
- Your plan for your personal safety and that of your Fowler Family, is to maintain our Love Your Neighbor Basics
- Social distance, wear a mask, sanitize and wash your hands frequently
- Please make informed decisions when making your Thanksgiving plans
- This week we are celebrating Thanksgiving with special dinners in Jackson Living Center, Fowler Christian Apartments and Pearl Nordan Care Center
- Regarding deliveries – no deliveries on Thanksgiving Day and the Friday afterwards – we will not have additional staff to accept or deliver groceries or other items on these days
- This week we celebrate two birthdays on Friday November 20th. Happy Birthday to Ken Carpenter and to Dwight Ausbrooks! Enjoy your special day.
- Simone has been working very hard in keeping our residents engaged in activities. She accomplished a participation of 80% of the total JLC I.L. residents. Simone uses her talent to keep residents motivated and that’s very important now since we have been limited in our outings. Her joyful personality is contagious! Thank you, Simone, for loving people!
- Tonia has been so busy and somehow she finds extra time to come into the dining room and deep clean the tables and chairs. She also sweeps and mops the dining room as well as the common areas. I appreciate her efforts in going above and beyond. Way to make a difference, Tonya!
- I’d like to lift up Derrick Brown for being such a sweet friendly teammate. Every time I stop by Means it seems that Derrick is there to greet me with a smile. He asks how I am and is so full of laughter. Derrick thank you for your warm greetings and for bringing a smile to my face! Your spirit makes a huge difference!
- Charlie lifted up Linda Solis. Linda has done an excellent job on our floors. They have been sparkling clean even with some of our equipment that has aged considerably. Great job pursuing excellence, Linda!
- Make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919