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COVID Briefing, July 07, 2020


  • Good afternoon Fowler Family!
  • COVID Numbers
    • Monday – Yesterday, Dallas County reported 1214 new cases and 6 deaths – 4th consecutive day with cases topping 1000
    • The 7-day average for new cases is now 902 cases per day, up from an average of 209 per day, one month ago
    • Hospitalizations increased by 105 yesterday – 16% increase in one day
      • As of July 6, we have 1607 hospitalized in Dallas County
    • Last week, Dallas County added 6,317 new cases of the virus bringing our total to over 27,000 with 401 deaths
    • COVID is now the 3rd leading cause of death in Dallas county behind disease of the heart and cancers
    • It is estimated there are currently 11,659 known patients fighting COVID at this time
    • We know that the numbers reported now, are from tests performed two weeks ago
    • We will know in two weeks if those who gathered for July 4th wore their masks and social distanced
  • And to add to all this good news, the State Fair of Texas, which is 134 years old, announced today it will not open in 2020 due to COVID
  • Thank you for your vigilance in protecting your neighbor and yourself – we know of no COVID symptoms in our community – either teammates or residents
  • On July 3, the governor updated mandates which apply to beauty shops, restaurants, day camps, gyms, bars, amusement parks – any public location
    • Masks are mandated for all individuals over age of 10 outside of home
    • No groups larger than 10 – inside or outside – remember this in your plans, remember this when you gather in your apartment or with your family – this applies to family gatherings as well
    • Symptoms – lets review
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      • Chills
      • Repeated shaking with chills
      • Muscle pain
      • Sore throat
      • Headache
      • Diarrhea
      • Lost of taste or smell
      • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees
      • Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed COVID case
    • Individuals 65+ or older at a higher risk of COVID19. To the extent possible avoid being within 6 feet of someone 65 and older. Individuals aged 65 and older should stay at home as much as possible
    • Carry and use hand sanitizer regularly, especially before eating
  • Teammates
    • More than half of the cases have been young adults between the ages of 18-39
    • Some of you have children in that age group; others have young school age or daycare age children
    • The questions we ask you every day are questions you need to be asking your adult children and your day care providers
    • Your questions can prompt them to take proactive action for their health
    • Please feel free to share the Love Your Neighbor Basics with your children, other relatives and friends – this tool will help them proactively screen for their protection, which in turn, impacts your protection and the protection of our residents
    • If you need more Love Your Neighbor Basics cards, tell your front desk
  • So, let’s celebrate some team members – its Teammate Tuesday
    • Today is Veronica Hernandez’s birthday!  Happy birthday Veronica!
    • Tomorrow is Gentry Harper’s birthday! Wishing you a happy birthday Gentry!
    • Happy birthday to Amalia Mercado whose birthday is on the 10th!
    • Jen Garland celebrates her birthday on the 11th!  Happy birthday, Jen!
    • Regina Smith celebrated her 3-year anniversary with us on the 5th.  Happy anniversary, Regina!
    • Happy Anniversary to Nadine Wilson who celebrates 6 years at Fowler on the 9th!
    • On the 9th Erick Silva also celebrates his anniversary.  Happy one-year anniversary, Erick!
  • Tomorrow 2 new teammates join us.
    • Welcome Tonya Williams! Tonya will serve as a Housekeeper with us. Tonya served as a Housekeeper at The Warwick Hotel since 2014 until recently. Prior to that Tonya served as a Housekeeper at Marriot Hotel of Dallas.
    • Welcome Lakendra Williams!  LaKendra joins us to serve as a receptionist at Eastside for the 3 to 11 shift. She has been serving as a Route Processor Admin at Coca Cola Refreshments since 2016.  Prior to that she served at Pinnacle Anesthesia Partners as a Compliance Analyst and at Blue Cross Blue Shield as a Claims Processor.
  • Thank you – and make it a great day on purpose!
All Daily Updates are posted on our website –
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919