- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- On Monday, Dallas County added 211 new cases of COVID19 and 14 COVID related deaths
- Visitation started this past week and it has gone quite well
- Sign up for visitation is an online process – the link is on our website under the COVID Updates
- Families need only select the time slot they are arriving, not the full time the plan to spend. In other words, if you plan to come at 1pm and stay through 5pm, do not sign up at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. We are only trying to control the number of families that are arriving and gathering at the front desk. Once you are here and in your family members apartment, you may stay as long as you like
- Our next vaccine clinic will happen on 4/15 at 9am at FCA
- This is a second dose clinic and a first dose clinic for any team member and resident who wants to be vaccinated
- We strongly recommend all are vaccinated – your choice impacts all of us
- Contact Billie Collins if you wish to be vaccinated against COVID
- Love Your Neighbor Basics continues to be of highest priority – masks are still required
- In Memorium
- Brenda S, who used to live at JLC, passed away this Saturday. Although Brenda’s time with us was short, she made a lasting impression on all the team and residents here at Fowler. Brenda was a loving, hilarious resident who endeared herself to all at Jackson. She loved her daughter and family fiercely. Please pray for Brenda’s family and the residents and teammates here at JLC.
- Monday April 12, Great Place to Work surveys begin and will run until 4/25
- Next Monday April 12 is our Celebration of Life Service – you may watch this service on Channel 6 or register for in person participation through Chaplain Venessa
- This month is Child Abuse Prevention Month
- Fowler was chartered in 1892 as Juliette Fowler Homes for Children and the Aged
- Our first orphanage was in Grand Prairie.
- In 1913, the orphanage moved over to this property in East Dallas and sat approximately where the PNCC is today.
- The Fowler children’s home was innovative by assimilating the children into the local schools – it was common practice at the time for orphanages to have their own schools. Neighbors throughout East Dallas remember the Fowler kids as their classmates.
- Means dining room was originally a gym for the children’s program as was the FCA pool.
- In the 70’s, Fowler opened a Residential Treatment Center for teens and built the buildings at the front of the campus. The Fowler Community Center became the children’s gym and a new pool was built for youth.
- The original orphanage sunset.
- In 2010, the youth program sunset and Fowler was childless for a few years until our partnership with Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services launched foster care and adoption at Fowler. .
- Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services and Juliette Fowler has continued a collaborative ministry of foster care and adoption that serves children and families that struggle from child abuse and neglect. In 2020, PCHAS and Fowler served a total of 87 children, with 12,210 days in foster care. Our partnership supports a total of 45 foster homes throughout North Texas communities.
- One foster home is on the Fowler campus.
- In future briefings throughout the month of April, we will share information on The Ebby House and the Youth Support Center
- Happy Teammate Tuesday!
- Happy birthday wishes to Danny Cacique! Danny’s birthday is on the April 7.
- Wishing Christine Sherman a happy birthday! Her birthday is also on April 7.
- Star Johnson’s birthday is on April 8. Happy birthday Star!
- Today marks 10 years at Fowler for Terri Moore! Happy anniversary, Terri!
- Venessa celebrates her 3 year anniversary with Fowler on April 9. Happy anniversary!
- Tammy Oliver celebrates 9 years with us on April 9. Happy anniversary, Tammy!
- I’d like to send a shout out to Coretta Whitaker! In my interactions and conversations with Coretta, she is consistently challenging herself to look at situations differently. Coretta is what we call in our leadership group a learner rather than a knower. This is a quality in pursuing excellence.
- Janet Orta assisted a resident in A.L. last week and she did indeed make a difference. Thank you Janet, we are proud of the work you do and hope you are as well.
- Seychelle and Soul have been assisting in A.L. every Thursday. Thank you both, the work you do makes a difference.
- Make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919