- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- As of 4:00 pm November 23, 2020, Dallas County Health and Human Services is reporting 541 additional positive casesof COVID-19 in Dallas County, 521 confirmed cases and 20 probable cases.
- There is a cumulative total of119,483 cases, including 1,191 confirmed deaths.
- This week, we observe Thanksgiving and for most of us, that looks different this year
- Families all over the country are making choices and that includes the Fowler Family
- As we shared last Thursday:
- Our residents have choices – and one of those choices is regarding leaving Fowler to have Thanksgiving dinner with family or friends
- As I have said before, our responsibility to you is to provide you with the facts as we know them so that you can make an informed decision
- Your health is our greatest responsibility
- I do want to let you know that CMS has recommended that individuals residing in nursing and assisted living facilities should not attend gatherings outside of your household
- For the purposes of this pandemic conversation – where you live is your household; you have been sheltering with your neighbors for quite a while and they qualify as your immediate household
- The CDC has recommended that individuals at highest risk for COVID, should refrain from dining with individuals outside of their immediate household
- Should you choose to leave Fowler, please be aware of your increased potential risk for being exposed to, or contracting, COVID-19
- You and your loved ones are encouraged to follow infection control and prevention procedures to increase your own personal safety while enjoying your time away from the community at any time – when you are with family or even going to a medical appointment
- What you can do to protect yourself and others while you are away – LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR BASICS:
- Wear a facemask or face covering over your nose and mouth
- Perform hand hygiene often, using alcohol gel with at least 60% alcohol if unable to wash hands
- Practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette
- Practice physical distancing (maintaining at least 6 ft. between yourself and others)
- Avoid large gatherings. Anyone with signs or symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home
- Be aware of others who may potentially or actually have COVID-19.
- Report any contact with another person who may potentially or actually have COVID-19
- Do not have buffet style meals
- For those choosing to dine with others outside of their household, the CDC recommends the following:
- Dine and gather outdoors
- Combine no more than 3 households – the fewer the people the better. 10 is better than more. 9 is better than 10. 8 is better than 9, etc.
- Do not have buffet style meals – identify a single server to serve all plates or have individual boxed meals already prepared
- Gather for no longer than 2 hours
- Refrain from drinking alcohol which could reduce your vigilance
- Maintain social distance
- Residents who leave will be screened upon return – for your safety and the safety of others
- Questions you will be asked on return to ensure your safety and the safety of others:
- Were you in crowded spaces whether that be in public or at a large household gathering?
- Were you unable to maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet from someone who was not wearing a facemask (excluding mealtimes) when you were out in public or visiting with others in a household?
- Did you encounter anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days or who does not yet meet CDC end-of-isolation criteria?
- Did you encounter anyone who was exhibiting any symptoms related to COVID-19 whether that be in a public or at a household gathering?
- Please strongly consider if you should be with anyone who has flown – we will recommend a quarantine if so
- If you are an assisted living resident and you are gone overnight, you will quarantine for 14 days upon return in your apartment
- If you are an independent living resident, based on your responses to the screening questions, you may be asked to quarantine in your apartment for 14 days
- As we have said many times, wherever you go, whomever you see, you take the frailest from Fowler with you – please choose wisely
- I want to remind all teammates about your responsibility for screening. You are screened upon arrival for your workday and at mid-day – this includes a temperature check
- Screening is one of the first lines of defense
- Astra Zeneca announced their vaccine is highly effective
- This is great news that there is more than one vaccine available as we have a world of people who will need it
- Our governor is outlining the plan for distribution – who gets it first, etc.
- By all initial reports, healthcare workers, including direct care providers who work in nursing homes and assisted living facilities will be in the first tier of recipients
- While we are hearing dates of mid-December for vaccines to start and that is quite hopeful, we must remain realistic and recognize that this will take time to produce and distribute
- Meanwhile we must continue our personal responsibilities to mitigate risk of contracting COVID
- Happy Birthday to Adrian Ramirez and Gwendolyn Thomas! Their birthday was on Nov 22nd.
- Happy Birthday to Maurice Simmons and Zoee Swan whose birthdays are today!
- Wishing Tom Brooks a Happy Birthday! Tom’s birthday is this Thursday Nov 26th.
- Wishing Keyairria Hatton a Happy Birthday! Keyairria’s birthday is this Saturday Nov 28th
- Happy Anniversary to Billie Collins! Billie’s anniversary is this Thursday Nov 26th! Billie has been here 13 years!
- Make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919