- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Let’s get to the great news first:
- On Tuesday, I shared that we had a teammate in the Worth Neighborhood test positive for COVID and that 33 of the 35 tests that were performed as a result of our contract tracing, had returned as negative tests
- Today I can announce that all the tests have come back negative – no residents or additional team members in the Worth neighborhood tested positive.
- That is yet another success for our Love Your Neighbor Basics and for a team that is demonstrating daily their commitment to their residents and teammates
- Once again, proper infection control can mitigate the spread of COVID
- The use of masks and other PPE reduces the transmission of COVID
- I am so proud of this team – our leadership – Jennifer and Cynthia – and for every member of the team that has stepped up and done everything that has been asked of them
- Keep it up!
- TO everyone, team and residents, do not grow tired of wearing your mask. Help remind each other and encourage each other
- I want to speak specifically to the frustration some of you may be having with your neighbors who do not appear to be following the rules – specifically those few who are not wearing masks
- If you are a rule follower, you expect everyone else to follow the rules
- It can be frustrating when someone is not
- We live in a tight knit community of a lot of people – you have 353 neighbors in close proximity to you
- And though you are all close in proximity, you don’t all know what is going on in someone else’s life
- You don’t know who has an illness, who is depressed, who received bad news
- You may not recognize that someone is not being defiant, they are forgetful – they have dementia
- We have invested a lot of time to change our culture of care for our friends with dementia
- We have pledged to become a Dementia Friendly Community, one that chooses to integrate, not segregate, those with dementia
- We announced recently that we have just be recertified as an I’m Still Here Center for Excellence in dementia care
- Many of you participated in our I’m Still Here dementia training and gained a different viewpoint, an empathy for those living among us in various stages of dementia
- We watched neighbor helping neighbor; using the tools from I’m Still Here and I remember how excited you were when you were actively engaged with your neighbors with these techniques
- We learned through our training that people with dementia have more difficulty following rules – it’s not intentional
- Our friends with dementia have a different reality and it’s our responsibility to go to their reality; its inconceivable to think they can come to ours
- As a community, I’m asking all of you to go back to that time of empathy; that place of genuine kindness; and act from a place of love
- I’m going to ask all of you to stand in the space of grace and encouragement and find your gentleness and patience
- If our friend can’t remember to wear their mask, we can continue to gently remind them
- We will be putting additional signs up to remind everyone to wear a mask
- Let’s keep loving our neighbors…
- COVID Update
- In our greater community, yesterday Dallas County reported 234 new cases
- We are improving but COVID is still present
- Stay vigilant
- Thank you – and make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919