- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Let’s start off with a joke:
- Scientists have found that one dog year DOES NOT equal 7 human years
- In fact, the only thing that equals 7 human years is 2020!
- Did you know that National Joke Day is coming up – now is your chance to be the stand-up comedian you have always wanted to be
- So for all of you who have been sending me jokes now is your chance
- See your life enrichment team between now and the first week in August to tell your favorite joke and be included in our upcoming video
- We will combine the cream of the crop into a single video that will debut on Aug 17
- COVID Update
- As of yesterday,Dallas County Health and Human Services is reporting 1,026 new cases of COVID-19 today with 2 deaths, bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 42,292, with 526 total deaths to date.
- 17 straight days of 1000+ new cases
- An increasing proportion of COVID-19 cases in Dallas County are being diagnosed in young adults between 18 to 39 years of age; of all cases reported after June 1st, half have been in this age group
- Reports of cases are continuing to be associated with multiple large recreational and social gatherings, including extended family gatherings, since the beginning of June.
- Of the cases requiring hospitalization to date, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age
- Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19
- More than 400 infants under the age of 1 have contracted the virus in North Texas – 240 in Dallas County
- If we are learning anything, we are learning that COVID is non-discriminating
- We continue to work with what we know to be true – wear your mask – it protects you and it protects others
- Retailers continue to move towards mask requirements – Walmart is the latest that announced that all staff and shoppers will be required to wear mask
- Fowler Community Updates:
- This week, our team is working on renewing our certification as a Center for Excellence in Dementia Care
- Last year we achieved this national certification in partnership with Hearthstone Institute and we will be expanding the program this year
- Tomorrow is Community Sing Along Day – Venessa will be providing song sheets
- Tune in to Channel 6 at 2:15
- Our temperatures have dipped a bit and we will be getting some much-needed rain
- I want to remind you to stay hydrated as this is a defense against illness, including COVID
- Also want to remind you NOT to keep hand sanitizer in your car as it is flammable – a bottle of hand sanitizer could start a fire in your car on a hot day
- The Ebby House girls have reserved the swimming pool this Saturday, 10am-3pm
- To keep everyone safe and maintain social distancing and single household/building requirements, we ask that you refrain from swimming in the pool nearest Jackson and the Ebby House during this time
- We are moving forward with our landscaping contractor so that we can address some of the issues that have been identified
- We have contracted with the Grounds Guys https://www.groundsguys.com/university-park-tx/
- You may have seen Gentry and Billie walking our property today with their representatives
- Irrigation is at the top of the list
- We will be looking to create a more uniform look and appearance throughout our 25 acres so you will see consistency in not only our plants and trees, but in our infrastructure – our sidewalks, curbs, retaining walls, fencing, etc.
- The Grounds Guys wear yellow and green shirts and you will be seeing them as they get started cleaning out beds and ripping out dead plants – it will look worse before it looks better
- Please be mindful when you park your car not to let the front of your car hang over the sidewalk – park to the back of your parking space so that they have full access to edge or whatever needed
- This Thursday, we will learn if we are getting the Tax Credit Award to build the Juliette Fowler Residences on our vacant Eastside property – I hope to be announcing good news during the briefing on Thursday
- Teammates – we have open enrollment for your health insurance – please get your forms back to Erin by July 31 so you can maintain your coverage
- Teammate Tuesday Announcements:
- Happy Teammate Tuesday!
- Happy Birthday, Linda Luckey! Linda’s birthday was this past Sunday July 19th.
- Wishing Fred Yarbrough a Happy Birthday! Fred celebrated his birthday yesterday July 20th!
- Happy Birthday Bill Gatlin who celebrates his birthday on July 23rd!
- Happy Birthday to Patrick Goodwin who also celebrates his birthday on July 23rd!
- Today is Pam Coit’s 15-year anniversary! Wow! Happy anniversary Pam!
- Tamica Holmes celebrates her 7-year anniversary this Friday July 24th! Happy Anniversary, Tamica!
- Welcome to Marylou Rodriguez who is serving at FCA as a Universal Teammate. Marylou will be attending Waxahachie High School in the upcoming school year to complete her senior year. She has plans attend school to work in the medical field to ultimately become a heart surgeon.
- Thank you – and make it a great day on purpose!
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919