- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Dallas County is reporting a “healthy decline” in COVID cases
- We remain in Code Red High Risk Zone because there is still community spread [spread through person-to-person interaction]
- Yesterday: 186 new cases, 5 deaths
- Hospital beds are 65% occupied
- ICU = 70% occupied [the highest we have seen]
- Ventilators = 33% in use
- Our county officials are cautiously optimistic and hopeful that we have peaked and we will see a steady decline
- We continue to look for ways that we can be cautiously optimistic as well – what pieces of life can we resume and bring the least amount of risk to ourselves and to our neighbors
- Phase 2
- Mobile Dog groomers that come to Fowler may resume
- Dog groomers will remain in the parking lot
- You should bring your dog to the parking lot and handoff using safe protocols – masks
- Our contractors who do renovations in our apartments will resume with all screening protocols
- Independent residents who reside in FCA and JLC may drive offsite
- Take a drive and enjoy the scenery – drive around the lake
- For curbside pickup of your groceries or restaurant orders
- Go to a drive through and pick up food
- Drop a letter off at the curbside mailbox of the post office
- The common denominator in these examples – you are driving and remaining in your car
- However, this is not an opportunity to go visit family or friends externally, shop at the mall, go to a restaurant and dine in, hang out at the bars that are now opening, head to the tattoo parlor, get a perm at the beauty parlor, or pump iron in the gym
- Think of it as a mental health opportunity to get outside the gates and just drive which so many of you enjoy doing
- Restricted access remains in place – no visitors in Phase 2
- Regardless of phases of reopening on the federal, state or local levels, recommendations for individuals over 65 remain the same
- Stay home to stay safe is still the recommendation from the CDC, and all state and local health officials for individuals over the age of 65
- Senior communities should still restrict visitor access
- Maintain social distancing and go out only when absolutely necessary – ask yourself “is my choice absolutely necessary?”
- Wear masks whenever you leave your apartment
- Wash your hands frequently and after touching any surface
- Keep your hands from your face, eyes and mouth
- Sanitize hard surfaces
- For residents in our licensed healthcare areas – assisted living and skilled nursing
- Families may schedule to drop of a favorite meal at the Eastside entrance of PNCC or FCA Means drop off 1x/week
- Staff will deliver the favorite food to loved one
- Visits are still restricted
- These restrictions are mandated by our licensing entities – a law we cannot and will not challenge or break
- For our staff, you too may now leave Fowler to pick up lunch – at a drive through or curbside pick-up only, no dine in restaurants
- Your compliance to refrain from all public areas and gatherings is essential in our efforts to keep our residents safe
- As we continue to think about our new norm and how we can resume life, we must all remain vigilant
- The long-term ramifications of COVID 19 on your health are still unknown
- Many medical experts are voicing concern for permanent damage to organs
- Some “recovered” patients are experiencing episodes of temporary paralysis
- In many cases, confirmed cases are not clearing
- Growing concern for children – more cases reported in the area of a COVID related illness which can lead to life-long health problems
- One of the gravest issues with COVID is the number of people who are asymptomatic who pass it to others – people who do not know they are sick, can make someone else gravely sick, even die
- None of us want to be the one that brings a deadly case to COVID to our friends, neighbors or family
- Do your part to keep yourself and therefore others COVID free
- We look to our government for solutions but we as individuals own a large part of the solution by our actions and choices
- Tomorrow is the deadline for entries in our Coloring Contest. You should have all received the Juliette Fowler Communities coloring book
- Pick any of the full-page pictures to color and turn your completed picture in to the manager in your building
- We have gotten some beautiful entries!
- The winner will be announced on next Thursday on May 28 and the winner will receive a $75 gift card
- For twenty years, the first Friday of June has been Deloitte Impact Day around the world and at Fowler
- Due to COVID19, Deloitte has postponed Impact Day so we will not have those volunteers here that day
- Instead we will have our own celebration of Impact
- We are bringing pizza to everyone – all residents and staff members will receive a personal sized pizza for lunch
- More details to follow
- Today at 330pm you will want to turn to Channel 2 to watch the Virtual Wedding Album of our own Laura Star, now Laura Porting
- As you remember, Laura got married on April 18 and her big wedding was COVID-sized – a small gathering of 10 – parents and siblings only
- You will want to see these pictures – proof that joy and hope win
- Make it a great day on purpose
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919