- On March 16, the White House launched 15 Days Slow to Spread – a mandate for everyone in the United States to help stop the Spread of COVID – Today is Day 13
- These recommendations will stay in place well beyond 15 days – be diligent about handwashing, sanitizing, and social distancing
- There is one more health tip I want to pass on
- Stay hydrated – drink a lot of water
- Our healthcare professionals are stressing that you need to continuously hydrate because if you get ill, your body will need the reserve hydration to recover
- Please drink water continuously – 50% of your body weight is recommended in normal times
- We are grateful to all of you who are helping to keep your neighbors safe by honoring the Shelter in Place rule – your actions aren’t just about your safety and health
- Your actions impact the lives of everyone who lives and works at Fowler
- Leaving this community is prohibited
- We have a few residents who are choosing to leave Fowler for non-essential reasons – to go to see a family member, to go to your church
- When you make these decisions, you are making a choice to not come back
- We cannot have residents coming and going
- We have Sunday School and church at Fowler – for this time, please let the Fowler family be your family
- We empathize with everyone’s desire to see and touch their loved ones.
- It is not ok to meet your family member by the fence and hug them
- It is hard to grasp that if you do not feel sick, that doesn’t mean you aren’t
- You don’t know if they are a carrier
- You don’t know if you are
- Carriers don’t feel ill; however, you can make someone else critically ill
- We appreciate those who are putting in their own grocery orders – we are all learning to be quite tech savvy aren’t we!
- Please remember our Delivery Station is only open Monday-Saturday 9a-5pm.
- When creating your order, allow enough time for your personal shopper and the delivery
- I suggest you pick an early delivery time, but nothing less than 3pm to allow enough time so that we receive the orders while staff is here.
- If you cannot get a delivery time before 3pm, pick another day
- We do not have control over what happens to deliveries that come after 5pm – you may never get those groceries and never see a refund
- If your food supply runs low before your groceries arrive, let us know through the COVID hotline and we will prepare an emergency food box for you
- Let’s have some fun – Next week is Spirit Week
- Residents and staff can join in the fun
- Monday is Crazy Sock day
- Tuesday – Fowler Fierce Day – wear animal print
- Wednesday, Pajama Day
- Thursday, Favorite Team Day
- Friday, Crazy Hat Day
- Saturday, Red White and Blue Day
- Friday each neighborhood will have door parade – we will stand in our doors wearing our fun hats and wave
- Here are today’s shout-outs to our team from residents and family members:
- From Joyce: “I know you’re all working so hard for us and it’s really appreciated by us all—even if you aren’t told so by everyone. My friends and I feel very safe.”
- From Stuart and Mary: You all are doing a great job caring for us—thank you!”
- From family member, Elizabeth: “I can’t tell you how much your care for the residents means to me. I was in NYC when the pandemic got ugly—my 55-yr-old brother-in-law just came off his ventilator—and everything you’re doing is right on. Thank you!”
- From Beth and Diana: We enjoyed the fresh baked goods for our staff
- Special mentions
- To Chef Hector for his Sunshine treats to lift the spirits of our team
- To FCA Service Coordinator, Lubia for helping residents nonstop with securing food and other critical services
- To Maurice, Nurse Manager at FCA Assisted Living, who has been instrumental in implementing all our new policies and procedures, coordinating pharmacy transfers, medical supply orders, deliveries to residents as well as screening all essential healthcare providers entering our building.
- To Laura Star for her beautiful pictures, videos, and development of the Sunshine Team
- To our receptionists who are now screening all who come through our gates and all who enter our buildings.
- Thank you for keeping you and your neighbors safe.
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184
Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org