- We are 10 days into White House’s 15 Day Slow to Spread mandate
- Many of you are history buffs and you are probably familiar with the contrast of two cities who made different choices during the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918. St Louis and Philadelphia.
- St Louis sheltered in place; Philadelphia held its St. Patrick’s Day parade.
- Within weeks 4500 were dead in Philadelphia – and before it was over, more than 12,000 Philadelphians died.
- St Louis on the other hand shut their city down when the first case was confirmed. As a result, they experienced more far less loss
- A rate of 347 deaths for every 100,000 in St. Louis, compared to Philadelphia’s 719 for every 100,000
- Our actions determine the outcome for Fowler and for our city.
- Dallas saw a significant spike in cases yesterday.
- The outbreaks we see today are a result of choices made 14 days ago.
- What we do today, will impact 14 days from now.
- We have no symptoms or confirmed cases of COVID at Fowler –it was 13 days ago that we started our Restrictive Access and Sheltering in Place
- Let’s continue to be vigilant for as long as it takes, guard against wariness.
- We are settling in to our new norm, our new processes and the additional tasks that have come our way
- One challenge – Please refrain from making food delivery orders.
- I understand you want a pizza or take out – but here’s the problem.
- The packaging is where the virus could live. The person entering out gates may be a virus carrier.
- And we do not have the resources to get hot food to you in a timely manner
- Please know that food deliveries are being turned away at the gate. You will not get your food and your will not get a refund.
- This will not be forever – as Gentry shared, we will have a big pizza party when this is over.
- Thank you for continuing to do your part to stop the spread.
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org