- We are 6 days in to our 15 Day Slow to Spread Guidelines – it will work if we all keep doing our part
- Tax Day has been delayed to July 15 to give individuals and businesses time to file. Early filers will still receive refunds
- COVID Testing is expanding rapidly across the country
- 95,000 symptomatic individuals have been tested; 19,300 have tested positive
- So here at Fowler, we are all adjusting well to our new norm
- Social distancing doesn’t mean we have to practice social disengagement
- We are currently updating your life enrichment calendars with new
- How blessed are we that we have this beautiful chapel and the ability to talk to you through our internal broadcast system?
- Many years, ago, the Schneider Family gave us a donation to create this chapel. This is just one more example of how God knows what we will need before we do.
- We are broadening the programming we will be broadcasting to you
- Currently, devotionals are done every morning at 10am
- Tomorrow, Ken Carpenter will provide Sunday school immediately after the morning devotional
- Chaplain Vanessa will do a worship service at 230 every Sunday
- Before long, Fun and Fitness will resume
- We are talking about doing games and bingo
- Meanwhile, do you need stationery and stamps to write and mail letters
- Do you have a journal – journal your feelings
- Would you like for us to bring you a puzzle?
- Do you like to play solitaire? Do you need cards?
- Over the next couple of days, we will be passing out our own Juliette Fowler Communities coloring book
- Thank you for doing your part of stopping the spread.
COVID Hotline
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
Phone: 214-515-7184 Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385