- Today’s National update:
- The world is coming together in unprecedented cooperation
- The sharing and cooperation between governments, scientists and industry has been extraordinary
- Here is an example:
- The US and Italy experienced the first travel spread within days of each other
- Because Italian officials and medical professionals have shared so much with us about what they are experiencing, we have been able study trends, get out in front of it and implement precautions and focus on vaccines and testing
- We are seeing full federal and state government partnership
- The American people and businesses are coming together demonstrating great sacrifice
- Millions of people are putting into practice the 15 Day Slow to Spread Guidelines – it will work if we all do our part
- The White House has invoked the Defense Production Act to get equipment to our healthcare system
- American industry is stepping forward – businesses all over the country are stepping forward to retrofit plants to produce personal protective equipment like masks, ventilators and hand sanitizer
- This also keeps people employed
- We have a federal stock-pile of 20,000 ventilators on standby in addition to the ventilators already in use
- Anesthesiologists have assisted by identifying 10s of thousands of existing pieces of equipment that can be retrofitted to serve as a ventilator
- This is productive collaboration
- All medical personnel are instructed to postpone all elective surgeries and non-essential medical visits
- Socially isolate – if we eliminate the opportunities for transmission, common sense tells us, it will stop.
- All of these measures are to prevent greater breakout than our hospitals can handle.
- Please remember, since there is not a pill, vaccine, or any known treatment, getting a test does nothing other than provide data.
- The initial treatment is the same – isolate.
- The power to slow this pandemic lies with us
- Thank you for doing your part
Here is some additional good news:
- This week, Fowler staff saw extra money in their paychecks – We have increased our Fowler Living wage which is higher than the city of Dallas living wage for our staff.
- We are getting cards, letters and messages from families, friends and even people we don’t know:
- “We are grateful for all your hard work especially since we cannot be there. We are praying for the health of all the staff and residents”
- “Thank you from the bottom of your hearts for all the hard work and sacrifice. We know you are doing everything you can to keep everyone healthy.”
- Another says “God bless you during this time and always.”
- “I know my mom is in the safest place she can be – thank you!”
- “We appreciate your efforts and are so grateful =- our mom is in the best place possible during this crisis. We continue to pray for all of you. Remember Philippians 4:6-7” Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God; the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ”
- This from someone we don’t know;
- Hello Everyone at Juliette Fowler Communities. I wanted to send a note that we’re thinking of you, so thankful you’re all staying safe. We’ll get through this by being smart, kind to one another and sharing love from a safe distance, All the best
COVID Hotline
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
Phone: 214-515-7184 Spanish Speaking Line: