- Happy St. Patrick’s Day – for those who forgot to wear green – the good news is no one can pinch you!
- Fowler was an early adopter of restrictive access; we are taking a proactive approach in keeping you safe
- Some of you have mentioned that our communication is contradictory.
- The protocols mandated by the Federal Government, Centers for Disease Control, CMS, state and local government are changing hourly.
- Therefore, our communication is changing so it could feel contradictory
- Please follow the dates of our communication – it reflects the changing information
- Let’s talk about the Mail –
- Many of you noticed you have not received mail since Friday. The mail man has not been to Fowler – he was off and his route was not reassigned.
- We are not restricting mail. We have restricted the access of our mail carrier who is going throughout the city, in high populated areas. We are restricting him from walking through your living spaces.
- Today is the last day he is granted access. We took extra precautions with personal protective equipment to minimize exposure – he is wearing gloves.
- After today he will not be walking through the community
- However, mail will be delivered to our admin center.
- We will sort and deliver after it has gone through our sanitation processes in the Administration Center.
- We are doing nothing unlawful; we are not tampering with your mail. nor would we – it would go against our values
- Are we changing our process – absolutely
- Government agencies are modifying the rules and regulations so that people can take the precautions that we need to stop the virus from spreading
- To our residents in FCA, as the grocery stores are selling out of bread, our bread line will be impacted. This has been a day-old break line and if there is no day-old bread, we will be impacted.
- It is time for us to focus on some form of normalcy
- For our staff, I know all you have been thinking about is how you will protect our residents.
- It’s important that we carve out time in our day that feels normal – walk, read, fall back into routines before COVID. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
- Look for moments and opportunities to return to our normal.
- Try to follow your daily routine.
- County Judge Jenkins said this morning – Protect Nana and Grandpa – you are at the top of everyone’s mind
- The White House has created 15 Days to Slow the Spread – we will provide this to all of you.
- If you feel sick, stay home
- If children are sick, keep them home
- If someone in your household has tested positive for COVID, keep the entire household home
- If you are an older person, stay home and away from other people
- If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition that can put you at higher risk – a condition that impairs your lung or heart function or weakens your immune system – stay home and away from other people
- We were an early adopter. We are doing this to keep it outside the gates.
- Ordering
- Our grocery and delivery systems are being bombarded
- Fowler is not the only one ordering
- Grocery stores are sending what they have – please be patient – its taking longer
- Grocery stores are no longer 24 hours – they now realize they need time to restock
- A new order form has been created and items added
- Order limit amount
- Phone number
- A place for substitutes – ie. – If a store is out of your requested brand and quantity, they will send you what they have. If you do not allow substitutes you will not get the item
- Our Administration Center was hopping yesterday – constant deliveries and we will continue.
- Today we got 3 days of mail, please give grace we are doing the best we can and will get it to you as soon as we can
- Getting updates from other ILs around the country and they too are increasing their social distancing and remaining in their apartments. Some are doing more drastic changes.
- We will continue to get our info from the CDC.
- Take a breath today – Continue to lift-up the God sightings
- We are all entitled to our feelings
- All of our social liberties have been limited
- But it is for the good of the whole – Our country is sacrificing for our seniors and staff.
- I implore you to do your part.
Chaplain Vanessa
- One-way communication is quite different!
- A couple of household updates
- Prayer boxes have been placed in all buildings
- I will pick up at 11am
- We will pray together at 2pm after the updates
- To continue with our bible study – we will have it via the TV on Wednesday at 1030am right after the update
- There will be packets available today at each building
- If you normally participate or would like to participate, pick up your packet
- I was new to all of this when I walked in last night
- I didn’t sleep well last night – I was thinking about everything you must be going through and the emotions people are feeling
- Maybe anger, anxiety, worry, nonchalant – who cares? not that big of deal, or crying or yelling. Maybe being a rebel and not complying. Or maybe lonely and depressed
- All of those are normal and more
- Its ok
- What we don’t always know, is how to respond
- John 16:33 – I have said this to you so that in me you may have peace, in the world you face persecution, But take courage I have conquered the world
- God is with us, right now
- God knows we have troubles
- He knows how we feel
- God has already conquered all of that – He provided a way for us to conquer that
- And that is how we respond
- Every day we are looking at how Jesus taught us to respond.
- In the meantime, we can trust in a God who is faithful to all the promises that we know
- God is with us now; he has conquered the world and he knows our stuff
- Trust in his promises. We need to start with trust
- Trust and fear cannot be in your brain at the same time
- You either have one or the other. They cannot coexist.
- Work on removing fear and trust in the faithfulness of God
- Holy God, creator, merciful almighty, we know you are with us.
- We know your promises are here for us to hold on to. Help us God to realize those promises in action to know that we see your presence so that we can have trust in all things unseen
- We know there are other issues besides COVID. Our lives are continuing we have other pain and hurt
- Help us through those as well
- There is more in this world than this virus – Bring us peace
- Bring us comfort that only comes from you
- Thank you for your words
- It’s in your son’s name that we want to learn from
- Amen
COVID Hotline
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
Phone: 214-515-7184