Good afternoon, I don’t know who needs to hear this, but today is Wednesday – days are running together aren’t they?
- This morning New York Governor Cuomo stated
- The curve is flattening – keep doing what you are doing
- They know the curve is flattening because the number of new hospitalizations is dropping
- That is the good news; the bad news is that their death rate yesterday was to date – 779
- Every number is a face; every number is a family
- He urged all New Yorkers to continue to be responsible to protect the vulnerable
- That applies to Fowler as well – we are COVID free
- Because of what we are all doing – residents and team
- It is not time to be complacent
- Keep wearing your mask and covering your face, wash your hands, maintain social distancing
- We must remain disciplined
- The life you risk may not be your own
- We are all anxious to go back to normal but normal might look different.
- There are things we have learned that we will continue to do after COVID, s““`uch as
- We are using new technology – ordering groceries, a new hiring system, our broadcast system, telehealth, our children are learning online
- We will come out of this with new tools in our toolkit
- And some new jokes!
- I want to read a letter from Carol Elliott who is the president of Leading Age, our industry organization for nonprofit aging services.
If you had asked me just a few short weeks ago to tell you how I would define a hero, I would have shared the mental images that came to mind with that word. It’s the firefighter running into a burning building to save a life; it’s the police officer who runs towards danger rather than away; it’s the act of physical courage that makes me think “Wow, I could never do that.”
Today my understanding of that word has changed forever. The heroes are the staff who come into our buildings every day. They are the people who tell their families who ask them to stay home that they can’t, that coming to work and caring for elders is not optional, it is what they do and what they must. The heroes are the people who are gloved and gowned, who are walking into rooms where there are droplet precautions posted. They are the people who are cleaning more thoroughly than ever before, the ones who are making sure that everyone has food to eat, those who stand at the doors to make sure everyone has their temperature taken and a mask to wear.
My heroes are each of my colleagues who are leading our organizations, who are preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. These are the people who are making tough calls, trying to digest all the information coming to them at incredible rates of speed, who are juggling the needs of elders, families, and staff and still trying to keep everyone’s spirits up.
I salute each of you, I salute everyone who provides care and support for our elders. You are, and will always be my heroes.
Stay strong, Carol Silver Elliott
- I am proud of our residents and our team and the way they have stepped to care for each other
- Our response to COVID has been recognized by others as well
- We are hearing from others throughout the state who are asking to use our Q&A videos
- Annie Jones shared that a doctor at Parkland said “she was safest at Fowler”
- Yesterday, The City of Dallas Code Compliance team made an unexpected visit at FCA to observe if we were in compliance with the City Ordinances and Mandates – They were very impressed and said we were doing everything right – they took pictures of our empty hallways, of our screening station and our delivery station.
- So, I will close with a funny – One of our ministers sent this in:
- Good News: your pastor now approves of you being on Facebook during Church
- This Friday, is Good Friday and Chaplain Venessa is preparing a Good Friday service that will be livestreamed on Facebook as well as here in the chapel on our cable system. If you are a Facebook user, be sure to comment and send Venessa love during her broadcast
- Thank you.
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919.