- That about sums it up doesn’t it – We are almost 4 weeks into our Shelter-in-place, and I know we miss each other.
- We need to be careful because people are going crazy from being in lock down! Actually, I’ve just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster while drinking coffee and we all agreed that things are getting bad. I didn’t mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on everything. Certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. In the end, the iron straightened me out as she said everything will be fine, no situation is too pressing. The vacuum was very unsympathetic… told me to just suck it up, but the fan was more optimistic and hoped it would all soon blow over! The toilet looked a bit flushed when I asked its opinion and didn’t say any thing but the doorknob told me to get a grip. The front door said I was unhinged and so the curtains told me to ……..yes, you guessed it….pull myself together!
- Thank you, Liz Thurmond for sending that bit of humor
- John Taylor, a resident in Jackson Living Center shared his observation
- Thirty days hath September,
- April, June, and November;
- all the rest have thirty-one
- except March which had 8000!
- It’s been a month hasn’t it?
- We have been juggling the recommendations and mandates from Dallas County, the CDC and the CMS. They are not always in sync.
- And we must make the best decisions possible with the information we have.
- Let’s talk about what is mandated and what we are suggesting
- Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins mandated shelter in place until 4/30 for every individual living in Dallas Country.
- We are mandated to remain in our residence and only leave for essential business and outdoor group activities are prohibited.
- We have talked about this – so here’s the question – what is your residence?
- We can, and have, interpreted this in a myriad of ways – your apartment, your floor, your building
- Our residents in our licensed areas [assisted living and skilled nursing] are governed by CMS and state regulations and must remain in their apartments
- Our residents in independent living have choices to make
- There is no question that the safest place for you is to remain in your apartment and not be around others. Its what we all want – for you to be safe.
- We implore you to make good decisions
- The choices you make impact every one of your neighbors as well
- When you are outside of your apartment, it is mandated that you social distance by at least 6 feet and wear a mask or face covering – that is a mandate
- We cannot micromanage every decision.
- Do we know all the answers – no
- Can we eliminate all risk – no
- We are doing our best to mitigate and limit exposure for all residents and team members
- Teammate Shout-out
- Thank you, Tina for helping a resident facetime with her family member on her birthday
- Tina and the team have been maintaining our engaging programming in Worth Memory Care – this month they are ‘traveling’ to Egypt
- Fowler is hiring – we have several positions available
- Teammates, if you have family members or friends who have been laid off or furloughed, we can help fill that gap – we have fulltime, part time and temporary positions to fill
- We have an online application process now so please direct those you know to our website – thank you to Erin for implementing this process
- If your referral turns in to a full-time employee after the pandemic, you will get a referral bonus
- Teammates, we are going to resume emailing out the daily talking points each day.
- Please be sure you read your emails with the daily briefing even on your days off so you can stay on top of the changes that come our way.
- This will help you in communicating with residents and families

All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org