- Its crazy hat day – I’m wearing my Unicorn hat
- Hope you participate in your neighborhood hat parade which is coming up soon – everyone find your fun hat and stand in your doorway at the assigned time – staff will do the parading while keep appropriate distances!
- Parades are happening at PNCC, FCA and JLC at 3pm
- Chaplain Venessa asked that we find drops of joy in the little things – I think this parade is a BIG splash of joy – find your hat, stand in your doorway and wave at your neighbors
- For our teammates
- To all of our team members who are using public transportation
- You will receive additional hand sanitizer, gloves and masks
- Please remember to always wear your PPE when you are in transit
- We have a teammate and resident who are making more protective masks
- We have the required N95 masks which will be used if we have a confirmed case
- Meanwhile, we are all using surgical masks to help limit any transmission.
- All team members need to continue to wear their masks – they take some getting use to but it is worth it
- Get ready, it is expected that we will be wearing these masks for months to come even after we have opened back up
- For our residents
- Thank you for adjusting your lives to all the new rules and regulations that have been implemented
- I want to reiterate that our rules apply to everyone
- Each of you chooses whether to follow the rules
- And based on your choices, there are consequences.
- We are documenting all known rules violations
- Let me repeat – we are documenting all KNOWN rules violations
- Sometimes we don’t know – this doesn’t mean we are favoring one person over another and that our rules apply to some and not to all – it means we don’t know
- Thank you to those of you who are sharing what you know so that we can act accordingly
- For our residents in Jackson Living Center
- We know you are still adjusting to your new Room Service and the ordering process
- As Chef Hector said – ‘we are still growing up in this process’
- We will continue to take orders up to 4:30 however, it is preferred that you select all of the meals that you want for an entire week so that Chef Hector can plan accordingly – this applies to breakfast lunch and dinner
- Big shout out to Adrian and Margarita, our servers in Jackson who have been making these deliveries and doing a lot of the running
- And to Danny, Pedro, Jesus and Chef Hector
- Yesterday we told you about a new video from Nicole
- It is launching today – go to Facebook
- it incorporates many of the questions we are getting from our families and you.
- What is staff doing to mitigate risk?
- How is Fowler’s response to the pandemic different from other facilities?
- What would the process look like to bring loved one’s home with families?
- This video format has been a blessing because it allows us to provide insights, along with maintain on-going communications during this crisis. Communication these days is different. Our lives are different. We are all learning new things and new ways of doing and being.
- Other questions we are fielding frequently are
- do we have a plan to handle a COVID case – Do we have an isolation room setup
- YES, to both, we have a plan, we have a place and we have a process fully developed
- If we learn we have a confirmed COVID case, identified team members will implement a phone tree and attempt to call every resident and team member.
- We want you to hear if from us before you hear it on the news.
- I want to again state clearly – we have no COVID cases at Fowler
- We are just being proactive in our processes
- I also want to ask that if that day ever comes and you get that call, please refrain from making any phone calls or posting on social media. Your neighbors deserve to hear it from us. If the media contacts you, refer them to Nicole who is always our spokesperson
- We continue to follow every reasonable precaution recommended by the CDC, CMS and our health department– and as you know, we usually take the recommendation to the next level.
- Thank you.
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org