- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Its Teammate Tuesday
- 5/18 – Dovie Bates birthday
- 5/18 – Jennifer Garland’s two-year anniversary
- 5/19 – Pedro Medel birthday
- 5/22 – Priscilla Barrios birthday
- 5/25 – Rawlei McClanahan birthday
- Texas numbers as of May 18
- Cumulative totals – 48,693 Texas have been diagnosed with COVID and 1347 have died
- Yesterday we had 909 new confirmed cases and 11 deaths
- We did 29,737 tests throughout Texas yesterday – a total of 723,013 tests have been performed in Texas according to Texas Health and Human Services
- Dallas County has had a total of 7679 confirmed cases with 177 deaths
- 1/3 have been in long-term care facilities
- Yesterday, Dallas County had 224 new cases and 1 death
- Governor Abbott issued a statewide Executive Order yesterday which will stay in place through June 3 and is subject to extension based COVID trends
- The order maintains the recommendation to minimize social gatherings and in-person contact with people who are not in the same household.
- People over the age of 65, are strongly encouraged to stay home, to maintain appropriate distance from any member of the household who has been out of the residence in the previous 14 days and if leaving the home to implement social distancing, good hygiene and sanitation.
- “People shall not visit nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or long-term care facilities except for essential healthcare responsibilities”
- Bars can open to 25% occupancy
- Restaurants can move up to 50% occupancy
- Sporting events can resume without spectators
- Aquariums and zoos can reopen; Dallas Arboretum will open on June 1
- Childcare centers can reopen with restrictions
- Face coverings are encouraged for all
- Loss of Community During the COVID19 Pandemic was presented by a grief counselor
- The un-world of COVID19 – our world has changed; and we need to travel through the un-world of COVID19 until we get into our new world; and we grieve our old world
- The loss of predictability – we are unable to predict what will happen, we have no control and we grieve that loss of control
- The loss of relationships – separation is taking a toll on our relationships; we grieve the separation from our friends and family
- The loss of innocence – we are staring at these numbers daily and they are frightening to us; we grieve living in bliss
- Waves of reality –
- We have a special video to share, so please switch to Channel 2 – we have such a talent on our team
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919