- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Today is Teammate Tuesday so we will celebrate some team member milestones after our COVID updates
- Our COVID numbers went in the wrong direction yesterday
- We had 253 new cases, 145 deaths for a total of 6123 cases in Dallas County
- City of Dallas has reported a jump in ICU cases from 517 to 533 and ventilators numbers went from 322 to 340
- Yesterday both Judge Clay Jenkins and Governor Abbott provided updates that impact Fowler
- Governor Abbott ordered that all residents and staff in skilled nursing facilities be tested
- No details have been provided nor is there a plan – we will let you know more when we know more
- Clay Jenkins has provided recommended guidelines for citizens in response to reopening of businesses so that we all remain safe
- “The document was prepared by the Public Health Committee made up of public health, epidemiology and infectious disease leaders
- Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should do it.
Discouraged actions should not be considered as personal infringements but rather as acts of solidarity with local health professionals, neighbors and those with whom we care for most.”
- The document outlines 4 primary guidelines
- Assume personal responsibility – take action and follow recommendations of health experts
- Do an honest self-assessment – ask 2 questions
- Am I healthy enough to leave my home or do I fall into a high-risk category based on age or medical condition?
- Is there someone in my home or that I interact with regularly that falls into a high-risk category?
- Perform protective hygiene, distance yourself physically and clean the environment
- Assess your risk and make decisions based on your specific circumstances
- The system includes four levels of risk: red, orange, yellow and green
- Levels of risk are applied to various activities such as:
- Going to a restaurant
- Going shopping
- Attending an event or entertainment
- Going to a movie theater
- Attending religious services, funerals, large gatherings
- Using personal services – barber shops, nail salons, hair salons, etc
- Going to the gym
- Public swimming pools
- Getting healthcare
- Local infectious disease specialists and public health experts will use daily data to provide recommendations of relaxed activity. Indicators will include:
- Progressive decrease in COVID hospital admissions over more than 14 days
- Progressive decrease in COVID ICU admissions over more than 14 days
- Decreasing trend in daily number of COVID deaths over more than 14 days
- We will make this guidance system for risk of activities available to you
- I want to correct a statement I made on Saturday
- I said I would share the entire 6+ phase opening plan on our website and in print
- However, the document continues to change based on internal and external factors. As changes are continual it will become more confusing than helpful
- Instead, we will use the document as an internal tool for our decision making
- We have outlined and are implementing Phase 1 and will provide a copy of the current phase that we are living and implementing
- Additional phases will be finalized and rolled out when our case numbers in Dallas warrant a relaxing our activity
- Again, I want to stress, our reopening plan does not apply to our licensed areas in Pearl Nordan Care Center or our assisted living in FCA
- Teammate Tuesday celebration
- Thank you note to Jamie Rodgers in our Mission Advancement office
- Dear Jamie, I want to thank you for the wonderful job you have been doing ordering my groceries and supplies. You are terrific and much appreciated. Thanks so much!! Your job is not an easy one, I know, you are so sweet.
- Thank you, Marilyn for recognizing the efforts of our team members who have been working diligently behind the scenes
- Congratulations to our team member birthdays and anniversaries
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919