- Good afternoon Fowler Family! Its Teammate Tuesday, North Texas Giving Day, Taco Tuesday, Cinco de Mayo!
- Wow, Taco and Tuesday and Cinco de Mayo on the same day – we cannot let that go to waste
- A man walks into a bar and goes up to the bartender and says, “I’ll have a Corona please, hold the virus.”
- It’s ok to fall apart sometimes. Tacos fall apart and we still love them!
- Our Daily Briefing will be brief
- As we consider our phasing of Opening Fowler
- We have received supportive feedback for staying the course and we certainly will hold on to everything that science and data tell us is impactful in controlling risk
- When we started our Pandemic protocols, research was telling us to throw a net far and wide and build tall walls, as little was known about the transmission of the disease
- We are 8 weeks into our pandemic lifestyle, and we are learning more each day
- Based on today’s research and data, we are phasing out the 24-hour wait period to deliver mail and packages
- This is a precursor to the mailman, who will be screened, coming into your building when we launch Phase 1 which we are hoping will be on May 15
- keep in mind our phases will be based on the COVID numbers in Dallas County
- Regardless of what laws and rules are put in place, in Texas, Dallas or at Fowler, our personal protection plan needs to be maintained for eternity!
- We all need to wash our hands after touching external surfaces
- Wash our hands after touching mail, packages and groceries
- Keep using sanitizer on counters and surfaces
- Cover our mouth when sneezing with elbow
- Wear a mask – this may be the most important thing you do
- A person sneezing, coughing, even singing is proving to a primary way to propel droplets and transmit the disease – close proximity to an infected person is thought to be a primary source
- These sanitation steps are one of the most consistent messages across all of our resources – the CDC, CMS, and all health departments
- We can all reduce our own risk with these simple and most necessary steps
- Thank you to our residents who volunteered to help stuff envelopes. We hope to have the materials to you by Thursday
- An additional North Texas Giving Day has been created this year to help organizations impacted by COVID
- Donations can be made online at northtexasgivingday.org – search for Juliette Fowler Communities – or by check and cash
- We have a match donor who will double your donation
- Thank you
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919