- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- I have great news to share
- On Monday, we told you that one of our team members, who is not a direct care giver, had tested positive for COVID
- Subsequently, we hired a professional cleaning company to sanitize that work area
- We chose to proactively test any team member who had any – even remote – contact to that team member
- Today, we have been receiving the results of those tests – as of this moment, every test has been negative – no additional COVID at Fowler
- We are awaiting the tests of just a few more and are optimistic that they too will be negative
- We have no confirmed COVID or symptoms of COVID in our resident population
- Additionally, our team member who tested positive has had a full recovery and is still quarantining at home
- Her family was tested on Monday and their results were negative as well
- This further supports that our infection control efforts work
- I want to thank our team for adapting their entire way of working so that the risk to their residents and teammates is mitigated
- Today, we celebrate this great success at Fowler
- I want to assure you of one more thing
- The decisions that we have been making in relation to COVID have always come from a place of safety and caution
- We have continued to maintain our high level of staffing
- We have barred no expense when it comes to personal protection equipment or anything else needed to do to protect you
- Expense is not a part of our decision-making process where your lives are concerned
- Yes, we are budget conscious and yes, we are good stewards of our money
- We will always exercise an abundance of precaution where your lives are concerned
- We are Fort Fowler for a reason!
- Yesterday, Mayor Johnson held a press conference to discuss his recommendations for Dallas going forward
- His response has been most admirable
- In response to the Governor’s decision to open Texas effective May 1, Mayor Johnson stated that it is not his job to Monday Morning quarterback a decision after it has been made
- It is however, his job to ensure the success of that decision in Dallas – to ensure economic recovery and safety for all of Dallas
- We feel the same way Mayor Johnson does – it is our job, our responsibility to maintain the safety and wellbeing of everyone who lives and works at Fowler
- I think we can all agree that people need to work, and they need to be able to feed their families
- But that does not negate our individual responsibilities to stay safe and keep our neighbor safe
- Research is suggesting that direct contact and being in close proximity to someone sneezing, coughing or projecting droplets from their mouth or nose account for the majority of the COVID cases
- In the American culture, we hug, we shake hands – that is our normal
- It is thought that the Italian culture of hugging and kissing greatly contributed to their surge and the Japanese culture of not touching has contributed to their controlled outbreak
- So, what does that mean for us
- We will not open our community to visitors at this time and our restricted access for all non-essential visitors will continue
- We will continue to stress social distancing of at least 6 feet
- We will continue to dine individually
- Continue to watch Channel 6 for worship, bible study, devotionals, bingo, exercise and of course our daily briefings
- We will continue require masks worn in common areas
- We all agree that masks are annoying
- However, if it saves one of us from getting COVID, it is more than worth our personal discomfort or preferences
- Yesterday, Dallas County had 179 new cases and 5 deaths
- Our numbers are going up
- Only 1% of the Dallas population has been tested
- We are not out of the woods yet
- Please continue to be diligent
- Our strength is in the Lord
- Ephesians 6:11 says “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
- In the COVID world, the battle is real and your armor is your mask
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919