Thank you to all of you who have been compliant and have asked how they can help
Want to reiterate that we did not receive Bread today. If we do not receive it, we cannot pass it out.
The White House had another press conference a short while ago – we are still digesting the information to pass on
There is an economic stimulus plan going to the senate today – which will look like business interruption payments
They are maintaining critical travel only
The IRS is making adjustments in regard to the tax deadline – more info to follow
MASH hospitals are available and can be implemented when and if they are needed. If we get to appoint that our hospitals have been over run, there can set up the MASH hospitals
Sima Verma, Leader at Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services [CMS]
Medicare has implemented Telemedicine – which means you will be able to call a phone number and talk to a healthcare professional. To find out how you do that, contact your doctor’s office – THEY DO NOT WANT ROUTINE DR. visits at this time and have create a way for you to get the routine healthcare you need
People have been flooding their doctor’s offices and the emergency room – call instead.
The goal is to maintain the hospital capacity for those who do need a critical level of care
We have to fight the invisible enemy
We do not need the result of testing to know what you need to do.
We all need to take the personal responsibility to stop the spread of the virus
You need to follow the 15 Days to Slow the Spread document that the White House issued yesterday. We are on Day 14 of the 15 day plan.
This will create a substantial reduction in COVID 19 positive testing
The White House strategy is to continue to focus on testing, prevention and supplies
Homeland security is now getting people through the long airport lines in 30 minutes – down from 6 hours.
This demonstrates how we are all adapting to the new normal
We have a Spanish phone number for our COVID 19 hotline – 1385
In the last days, due to the overwhelming response to our hotline, we have received more than 68 calls – we are working through them as fast as we can. Thank you for your patience.
To close:
Every generation has a role to play
The White House task force is asking our older generation – stay home and let us protect you
They are asking our younger generation to stay home and protect our older generations
We all play a part – we all are sacrificing
Chaplain Vanessa
As we come together at 2pm each day, we will have a time for community prayer
Please share your prayer requests in the prayer request boxes that have been distributed in each building; we will pray together following the updates each afternoon.
But all who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing; and shall have wonderful peace. Psalm 37:11
Loving God
We give you thanks for the grace and mercy of this day. We give you thanks Lord for our leaders who desire to keep us safe by making the hard decisions
We pray for church as the landscape of Worship changes lead us to be open to new ideas, trusting in your presence.
God calm our anxiety about losing our daily routines and create in us a new heart that desire you. A heart that desires compassion for others – beyond ourselves.
Help us to see your healing Spirit in the world and to know how to respond.
Be in the minds of our leaders and guide them. Enable our eyes to see their care. Help us to trust you.
Oh God help us to see your hand in the events of life.
We especially life up each Juliette Fowler Resident and entrust them to your care. And with gratitude in our hearts we are blessed with loving kindness from the staff and fellow residents, we praise you God for community.
Psalm 67:1-3
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make God’s face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upo9n earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you O’ God, Let the people praise you.
In Jesus’ name we pray,
COVID Hotline
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
Phone: 214-515-7184; Spanish Speaking Hotline: 214-515-1385