- Good afternoon Fowler Family! Today is Teammate Tuesday
- I was so thrilled to see the sun this morning after a night of thunderstorms – the sun always comes out
- Yesterday morning in response to our team member testing positive for COVID, we immediately moved to the next phase in our infectious disease protocols that have long been in place at Fowler
- I want to share some of the steps that have been taken
- Our board and all team members were notified yesterday morning
- Residents were notified through our 2pm Briefing and the Updates were printed
- After our 2pm Briefing yesterday, family members were contacted.
- We posted a video of Nicole both on Facebook and our website – and the 2pm Daily Briefing is on our website as well
- From the start, we chose a path of transparency and we did not veer from that path
- As much as we would have liked to hide our head in the sand, it wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. We know we must share the good and the bad news, whatever that is
- Sanitation processes were increased at the start of the pandemic; now, an outside vendor has been hired to deep clean a targeted area – no residents have access to this area
- This morning, team members who had been in proximity to our COVID positive team member were tested for COVID. We will have results within three days
- One of the greatest dangers of this virus is the asymptomatic nature that is present in many people – people don’t know they are sick; they have no symptoms and they walk among us
- Our medical director who did the testing has done testing at many facilities and shared that those with minimum exposure, such as our team members, have all been negative
- Yesterday afternoon at 230pm, Governor Abbot held a press conference and shared his Report to Open Texas. While some of the new phasing guidelines are aligned with the White House recommendations, we were disappointed in the decision to let the Shelter in Place ruling end April 30
- The Federal Guidelines called for a 14-day reduction in symptoms and confirmed cases, as well as increased testing
- Dallas has not seen a 14-day reduction in either symptoms or confirmed cases
- In fact, the Dallas Morning News reported this morning that Parkland Hospital has seen a rapid increase in COVID 19 cases with the highest level of intubations yet – their numbers of cases have more than doubled from two weeks ago
- The Governor’s Report includes Special Guidelines for people over 65 and recognizing vulnerability
- People over 65, especially those with medical issues like heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a weakened immune system are at the higher risk for extreme illness and even death from COVID. Strict adherence to the CDC guidelines is recommended
- 76% of the fatalities in Texas have been individuals 65+
- As a community of older adults, most of whom are 65 or older, we will continue to Shelter in Place until May 15
- Our stance on visitors will not change yet
- We understand choices and we appreciate the desire for independence
- But your choices and desires do not outweigh your neighbors
- The Governor’s Plan for those over 65 includes three facets
- Stay Home if You Can
- Avoid public places even grocery stores and restaurants – have essential items delivered
- Help Save Lives
- If you leave your home – wear a cloth face mask and stay six feet away from others
- We continue to hear of residents who will not wear a face mask when out in the common areas of our community
- Please be prepared to be redirected to your apartment. If you do not want to wear a mask, be considerate around those who are – stay in your apartment which is the only place you should be without a mask
- Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer
- Do not share dishes, glasses, cups or eating utensils
- If you have mild symptoms [difficulty breathing, cough or fever] call your health care provider
- Wash hands often and for 20 seconds
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth
- Disinfect surfaces
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
- Check in With Others – stay in touch with others and stay active
- A copy of this document will be provided with the Daily Briefing talking points
- Extensive regulations will be maintained in our licensed areas
- Other highlights of the Governor’s order are effective May 1 and include
- Retail stores, movies, malls, restaurants can open with occupancy limited to 25%
- Museums and libraries can open with 25% occupancy – interactive areas remain closed
- Churches can expand their capacity – safe distancing practices
- Outdoor sports with no more than 4 participants are allowed
- All licensed health care professionals may begin with restrictions
- We will stay the course until May 15 and we will reevaluate then
- Screenings will continue, Shelter in Place will continue, and no visitors will continue
- Our conversations about the Opening up of Fowler are ongoing and will follow the recommendations of the CDC for the safety of all 353 residents and 150 employees
- Join me in staying the course, we will be together again soon
- I want to invite Erin Mason to come up and celebrate our team members:
- Pauline Fernandez celebrates her 12-year anniversary at Fowler on April 30th
- Jessica Gonzalez celebrated her 2-year anniversary at Fowler on April 26th
- Ronny Roberson celebrated his 4-year anniversary at Fowler on April 27th
- Jackie Means will celebrate her birthday on May 1st
- Zipporah Mukora celebrated her birthday on April 26th
- Welcome Joie’ Thorton. Joie’ is our new Administrative Assistant at Pearl Nordan Care Center. Previously Joie’ served at Five Star Senior Living as a Lifestyle 360 Assistant. Prior to that, she served at Erickson Living as a Weekend Communication Specialist and at American University as an Administrative Assistant
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919