- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- In our early days of shelter in place, Chaplain Venessa told us to look for God in our midst – and she called them God Sightings – Nicole likes to call them Godwinks
- What is a God Sighting?
- It’s when you catch someone doing something kind, helpful or compassionate
- It’s where we see evidence of God at work at Fowler
- Its where you show God’s people showing up to be His hands and feet
- Today I’d like to share some recent God sightings around Fowler
- The first God sighting that Nicole shared was the very existence of this chapel
- Years ago, the Schneider family donated the money so that Fowler would have a chapel
- That was followed by additional donations to put in the camera system that could broadcast us in to your living room
- Until now, we only thought to use the broadcast system for worship services or special music performances
- On day one of our shelter in place, we needed to find a way to communicate directly to every resident daily – and our Daily Briefings at 2pm were implemented
- Not the way the Schneider family intended us to use the chapel, but God provided for this very need long before we ever dreamed of it – a Godwink for sure
- Here are some God sightings that have been turned in to the prayer boxes or by email to Chaplain Venessa
- Helen shares her communion supplies with Martha….even when she only has enough for one – thank you Helen
- Millie Gomell has a collection of plastic grocery bags that were intended for Millie’s Mats. However, Millie noticed that the FCA team needed plastic bags for the many meal and food donations and she has donated her mat making materials to the team. Thank you MIllie – the FCA team is so appreciative of your willingness to help
- Have you heard about Zoom Calls?
- Zoom Calls are done through smart phones and computers and they enable people to not only talk to each other, but also see each other while you talk. We have some computer tablets that enable us to do this and our life enrichment team has been scheduling Zoom Calls for our residents with their family members.
- Ann wants to thank Luis and Keyairria for helping setup a Zoom Call for Elizabeth Ann with 15 family members on Friday. Elizabeth Ann was able to see her newest great granddaughter who was born two weeks ago and learn of another great grandson that will be born in October. Thank you, Luis and Keyairria for finding a way to hook the small tablet up to Elizabeth Ann’s larger screen TV so she could better see all her family’s faces.
- We got an email this week from Encompass Home Health – they are donating a computer tablet to Fowler to help provide more of these conversations with family members. Thank you to Encompass for this thoughtful gift.
- This past week, Mayor Eric Johnson asked that Dallas residents show their appreciation and support healthcare heroes and first responders. He suggested that everyone step outside of their homes and clap, bang on pans and yell to show appreciation for those who are on the frontlines.
- Here at Fowler, our night staff was gifted with a hot meal by Pastor Virzola Law from Northway Christian Church and some of her longtime friends.
- Resident Susan Tullos frequently – almost daily – gives a shout out of gratitude to the Fowler staff and her neighbors on Facebook – thank you Susan for letting the world know about your beloved “Shady Pines”
- I think God’s people are all around us.
- Where are you seeing kindness? What are you doing that is kind?
- Do not underestimate the importance of an encouraging word and reach out to your neighbors.
- I want to close with reading something:
- You might think that you don’t matter in this world, but because of you someone has a favorite mug to drink their tea out of that you bought them. Someone hears a song on the radio and it reminds them of you. Someone has read a book you recommended to them and gotten lost in its pages. Someone’s remembered a joke you tolk them and smiled to themselves on the bus. Never think you don’t’ have an impact. Your fingerprints cant be wiped away from the little marks of kindness that you’ve left behind.
- Make it a great day on purpose!
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919.