- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- We are day 38 of our sheltering in place and my dog Callie is looking at me like, “See this is why I chew the furniture!”
- Here is my public service announcement for the day: Every few days, try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
- I need to practice social distancing from … the refrigerator. [humor compliment of Liz Thurmond]
- Today, Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the Air Force Academy graduation – which is evident that life is going on – the 967 cadettes were socially distanced on the field – in perfect straight lines I might add – without their parents
- This is the first class that will have members commission into the US Space Force
- It was refreshing to watch something that had nothing to do with COVID
- We have had a lot people, within Fowler and outside of Fowler, sewing fabric face masks
- We have been able to provide each teammate a mask and will begin providing masks to residents
- The general population is wearing masks now when they go out in public
- I want to remind all residents to wear a face mask when you are in public too – which is any common area such as the laundry room, emptying your trash, anytime you are out of your apartment
- You also should wear a mask if someone enters your apartment and they should be wearing a mask as well. If your home health care provider is not wearing a mask, please let us know so we can notify their company to request compliance to this Dallas County law.
- Teammates, your mask is now a required part of your uniform – if you do not bring your mask with you in the morning you will be sent home to retrieve it
- Yesterday, Gentry provided a lot of information about our new state and federal mandates and the plan for us to Opening up America – which translates to Opening up Fowler!
- We will not be flipping a switch and going back immediately
- There is a Gating Criteria and a three phased approach
- Let’s review where we are and what must happen for things to change at Fowler
- Just as a reminder, as a senior living community, Fowler has multiple levels of jurisdiction that we must adhere to – due to our senior community status and due to the age of our population
- We are monitoring the recommendations of the CDC
- We are adhering to the regulations for our assisted living and skilled nursing areas
- We have adopted all mandates from the state, local and federal governments
- And they are not all coming out simultaneously and sometimes they appear to conflict
- The restrictions we are living under, are mandated regardless of whether you are in independent living or assisted living
- I know there is some concern among our independent living residents in FCA and a misbelief that we have overly restricted your lifestyle
- In an effort to protect you, Fowler was proactive and an early adopter of Restricted Access
- We broadened the community engagement regulations that were initially written for our licensed areas
- However, it’s important for you to know that the rest of the world caught up with us – quickly
- Every citizen in Dallas is experiencing what you are experiencing
- Weeks ago, others mandated restrictions that impacted your lifestyle
- Judge Clay Jenkins mandated shelter in place for all residents of Dallas County – regardless of age or condition – and you live in Dallas County
- Judge Clay Jenkins, Governor Abbott and our Federal COVID Task Force all mandated over- arching regulations that apply to vulnerable populations and those living in senior communities
- They no longer refer to assisted living or nursing homes – the terminology has been broadened to say senior communities, which includes your independent living apartment
- “Vulnerable individuals” is defined by in this way:
- Older adults 65+ OR
- “Individuals with serious underlying health conditions including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma and those whose immune system is compromised such as by chemotherapy for cancer and other conditions requiring such therapy” [www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/]
- Whether you live at Fowler, in another senior living community or in another environment all together, such as a non-age restricted apartment or a house, I think most of you would fall in this category by your age or by a condition
- Let’s review when we can start thinking about opening up, based on the LAW
- Before we can even enter Phase 1, 2 or 3 of a Phased Comeback, there are criteria that must be satisfied:
- We must see a downward trajectory of symptoms for at least 14 days AND
- We must see a downward trajectory of documented cases for at least 14 days AND
- Our hospitals must be able to treat all patients and have robust testing in place for at-risk healthcare workers including anti-body testing
- Where does the United States fall in satisfying these criteria?
- 40,000 new cases reported yesterday; more than half the cases in the entire world
- Where does Dallas Texas sit in satisfying these criteria to even begin Phase 1, 2, and 3?
- Texas reported 916 new cases today
- Dallas County reported 124 new cases today
- We are not meeting any of the criteria to enter the Phased Approach to opening our community except in our ability to manage our hospital beds
- And just as a reminder – Senior Communities and Vulnerable Individuals are in Phase 3 so all restrictions remain in place for a while – we will be the last to open back up
- What we have is a plan that utilizes measurable data, and this is the plan that we will follow
- The most important thing for all of us to do is wear our mask, wash our hands, and continue with the plan so that we can get to the countdown of the 14 days
- This is a lot of information and I want to remind you that these briefings are posted on our website
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919.