- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- COVID Update
- I am pleased to report that all of our JLC tests have come back negative – no additional COVID. Another one and done!
- The US Surgeon General, Jerome Adams made a PSA announcement in July – he stated that by wearing a mask, washing your hands and social distancing, we can stop COVID. His rally call is – COVID stops with me – and that is certainly what we have seen here – each one of our cases has been stopped, we have had no incident of spreading – due to our diligent use of Love Your Neighbor Basics. Thank you to all of you
- Dallas County reported 261 new COVID cases yesterday and no deaths
- Yesterday, Governor Abbott extended the state-wide declaration of emergency that was initially issued in March, which helps ensure that we have the resources and strategies in place to help communities across Texas in their response to COVID
- The governor stated that COVID doesn’t have COVID Fatigue – COVID is still out there and getting in wherever it can. Its our job to keep it out
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid has mandated 2x/week employee testing for our team members who work in skilled nursing
- If you have had a COVID test, you know that it is very uncomfortable – there is a level of physical and emotional stress that goes along with this testing
- I want to thank our team members who are submitting to these tests so that we maintain compliance with the mandates that have been placed on us
- What an act of love
- Many children have returned to school today – we haven’t had to slow down in school zones for a long time – we are out of the habit – please watch your speed
- Let’s keep all of our children and teachers in our prayers as they navigate what we navigated 6 months ago
- Dallas Morning News reported today that Dallas leads the country in employees who have returned to the office to work.
- 36% of Dallas workers have returned to the office as compared to 11.8% in New York
- Houston is at 23%
- Research shows that 63% of workers state they prefer to work remotely
- 1 in 5 state they work more hours
- This is another area of COVID impact that may have ripple affects
- I had a conversation with a friend who is a person of color and she said “I’m not ok”
- I didn’t expect this as I have only known her to be a person of joy and by all outside appearances, she seems fine
- But on the inside, she is not ok
- And it made me think, that some of you aren’t ok either
- Conversations about racism are hard and I want to be helpful
- We are looking at an education forum; one that will take us beyond our purview of our “world” so that we can walk in the shoes of others who are hurting
- At Fowler, we need to hold on to our values to Love ALL People, and in doing so, we are Pursuing Excellence and Making a Difference
- Teammate Tuesday
- Guillermo P celebrated his 9-year anniversary with us yesterday, Sep 7th. Happy anniversary!
- Happy anniversary to Rhonda J who also celebrated her 9-year anniversary with us yesterday, Sep 7th!
- Charlotte J, we wish you a very happy anniversary today, Sep 8th! Charlotte is celebrating 14 years at Fowler!
- Leticia G celebrates her 2-year anniversary at JFC on Sat, Sep 12th! Happy anniversary!
- Katie P also celebrates her 2-year anniversary this Sat, Sep 12th! Happy anniversary!
- Thank you to Shonnette G, weekend receptionist in Jackson. Shonnette is a full- time accountant M-F, currently working remotely. When she arrives at Fowler on the weekend, she has to catchup quickly on any new protocols our policies that have been implemented. Shonette is very diligent in her protection of our residents. This past weekend, Shonnette was especially helpful in her assistance to a resident, checking up frequently. She does an excellent job and we are so blessed to have her on our team!
- Thank you – and make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919