- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Yesterday 3/1, Dallas County reported 751 new cases and 42 deaths
- 12,000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine arrive in Texas today – 6000 will go to the FEMA vaccination site at Fair Park and the other 6000 will go to Globe Life Park in Arlington
- We continue to work every opportunity to bring another vaccine clinic to Fowler
- We are partnering with other communities to expand the clinics
- We urge each of you to take every opportunity you have, utilizing the help of your service coordinator, to be vaccinated
- Even with vaccinations, precautions must be maintained – mask, distance, sanitize
- Symptoms vs Allergies – see chart below and remain vigilant about monitoring your health

- PNCC Deliveries changes:
- Effective next Monday, families and professional delivery services will return making deliveries directly to the Eastside entrance of PNCC instead of the Administration Center
- A person delivering items will not enter the building; the same process will continue at PNCC that has been in place at the Administration Center. All items must be labeled with the provided label and staff will bring the item in and deliver to resident’s apartment
- If you order from Amazon, be sure to confirm your delivery address is 1260 Abrams; earlier in the pandemic we had asked that you change your delivery address to 1234 – so be sure to change it back
- Communication:
- This briefing is one way that we provide information to residents and staff
- Staff, please ensure that common area TVs are turned to Channel 6 at 2pm on Tuesday and Thursday
- Additionally, printed copies are made available and posted on our website
- March is Women’s History Month which commemorates and encourages the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American History
- Women’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week.”
- President Reagan issued the first Women’s History Week proclamation in 1982
- Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions authorizing the president to designate a week in March as “Women’s History Week”
- In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions annually requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month.
- Since 1995, Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden have issued proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.”
- President Biden’s proclamation read: “Each year, Women’s History Month offers an important opportunity for us to shine a light on the extraordinary legacy of trailblazing American women and girls who have built, shaped, and improved upon our Nation…”
- Our first story is that of two sisters that are important to us at Fowler – Juliette Peak Fowler and her sister, Sarah Peak Harwood
- Juliette and Sarah arrived in the village of East Dallas from Kentucky with their parents and siblings in 1855
- For many years, their father, Jefferson Peak, was the largest landowner, owning 200 acres of farm and wooded land; Jefferson built the first brick home in Dallas County and later developed his land, platting in streets and naming them for family members. Today, we drive down Peak, Worth, Victor, Harwood, Flora, Field, and Junius Streets – all named for Juliette’s siblings. Munger Street was originally Juliette Street and Haskell was originally Sarah Ann Street
- The Peak family was also instrumental in starting First Christian Church in both Dallas and Fort Worth
- Juliette married Archibald Young Fowler, a young attorney in Fort Worth
- Their first child, Ada, died before her first birthday
- While pregnant with their 2nd child, Juliette’s beloved Archie was tragically killed
- That child, AY Fowler Jr, who also died before his first birthday
- Juliette lived a life of service, never remarrying doing works of charity for children and elders for the rest of her life
- Recognizing great need in Dallas, dreamed of a home for widows and orphans. Before building could begin, she died unexpectedly in New York while seeking treatment for an ear infection. She was 52 years old
- Juliette left a detailed will, outlining the disbursement of her estate. $4000 and 15.5 acres were designated to build a home for women and girls. Her sister Sarah was the executrix of Juliette’s will
- Sarah chartered the Juliette Fowler Homes for Children and the Aged on November 1, 1892
- Sarah assembled our first board of directors and served as our first president until 1909
- She is responsible for solidifying our partnership with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and was the namesake for the first home for the aged, Harwood Hall, which sat where Jackson Living Center sits today. In fact, the courtyard in front of Jackson is named Harwood Gardens and the brick wall around the courtyard, is part of the original Harwood Hall!
- Through perseverance, personal hardship and great faith, these two women created what we now call Juliette Fowler Communities
- Juliette’s generosity inspires us today – and earned her the title of first female philanthropist in Dallas
- We invite you to submit stories of women you find particularly relevant, interesting or inspiring
- On March 24, author Rebecca Bruff, will present a book review of her book “Trouble the Waters” on Channel 6 – the story about Robert Smalls, one of our Black History Month highlights
- Good afternoon! Happy Teammate Tuesday!
- Ashley Lewis’s birthday was on Sunday 2/28. Happy birthday Ashley!
- Happy birthday to Guillermo Palacios who celebrated his birthday yesterday 3/1.
- Wishing Tammy Oliver a happy birthday! Tammy’s birthday is on 3/4
- Happy anniversary Hope Ross who celebrated 14 years with Fowler yesterday 3/1.
- Happy one-year anniversary to Margarita Villegas whose anniversary is on 3/6.
- We share the birthday and anniversary flyers with board members. Many of the board members identify with teammates and on our last board meeting, several recognized Soul. A board member shared, “My mother’s room was located on Soul’s floor. The second day that she was a resident she and I were touring and I pushed her past Soul’s desk. Mom said, “This is Soul and he has a brother named Heart”. Soul, you obviously make a difference in the lives of residents and families. They remember and you make a huge difference in their lives.
- We told you we would bring you an update on a bonus for everyone who weathered the winter storm and made it to work during our snowy week. Many of you drove in scary conditions. Some of you were stuck at your bus stops waiting for a bus to pick you up. Others slept over Fowler to ensure you could be at work the next day. For those of you who made it to Fowler for your shifts, we are rewarding you a dollar amount per day that you made it in for your shift. In addition to this, we are paying another dollar amount for those teammates who stayed the night in order to ensure they were present for work the next day. You all made such a huge difference in the lives of others during such a cold and dreary week. Thank you for your dedication to loving people, pursuing excellence and making a difference!
- These weather bonuses will be paid with your upcoming paycheck and totaled close to $50,000
- Some of you were able to work remotely. Although you may not have been able to get to work, we know you too worked during a frustrating time. Therefore, a special thank you goes out to you too!
- Make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919