- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Today is Teammate Tuesday and Erin will share some team member milestones for you shortly
- BIG Announcement
- We finally received the test results on the COVID tests that were taken on June 18, all were negative
- Thank you to our residents, team members and family members who have waited patiently for these results
- Thank you to our team members and residents who have been diligent with their protocols to stop the spread
- Our first COVID employee case was 4/27 and we have just lived through another – worlds of difference in the way we all felt
- Why? We know more; our behaviors and reactions have adapted since that first case – we are learning to adapt
- A couple of housekeeping items
- I want to remind everyone that our COVID briefings are twice a week – Tuesday and Thursday only – no longer Daily Briefings
- Grocery process
- Residents in Jackson and FCA IL can be picked up in the parking lot by family members to go to the grocery store during senior hours
- You may order groceries online
- Groceries for FCA are delivered directly to 105 Juliette Fowler Street/Means
- Groceries and packages for JLC and PNCC are still received at the Administration Center – 1234 Abrams Road
- Deliveries are accepted Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only 9a-5pm
- Residents in FCA can take the bus during senior hours – by reservation only. Your service coordinator will assign you a shopping day if that is needed
- COVID Numbers
- Yesterday, Dallas County reported 572; 4th day in a row of record new cases
- Dallas County totals: 20,737 cases and 353 total deaths
- The surge in Texas is on all national news networks
- Overall, we have more than 30 states on the incline, only 4 on the decline with the 11 states facing urgent surges
- Dallas County has reported that a mass testing started yesterday at a prison in Seagoville which may create an additional uptick in our numbers
- Through contract tracing, they know that some of the current spike is traced to dine-in restaurants and bars; others can be traced to community gatherings
- If you are going to dine-in restaurants, please rethink this – these are hot spots; no employee should be going into restaurants and bars
- We have had some feedback about our ‘reopening plan’ and I want to discuss this a little bit
- The gates to Fowler are not ‘open’
- Fowler is not ‘open’ to the public
- Our doors are locked, and we have team members that are screening everyone based on their purpose for coming in; only those with essential purpose are allowed access
- Fowler is not encouraging non-essential travel outside of the gates either– in fact, it is just the opposite
- However, we have used a term – ‘reopening’ – that has created concern
- ‘Reopening’ sounds like we are returning to our life before COVID
- We are not – however, COVID must be integrated in our life and we must return to living; for our mental and physical health
- We are working on new terminology – if you have a clever idea, please share
- Our reopening plan is really a transition plan
- We are slowly transitioning from ‘full lock down and individual isolation’ status to…
- …‘Opening our doors, and living with COVID’ status, knowing that mitigating our risk is our highest priority
- We have evaluated every step, every process that was put in place since March and those processes have served us well
- We ask ourselves, “does this contribute to our risk with what we know now?”
- If the answer is no, then we have peeled that layer off
- For example, it is now believed that transmission does not happen through the mail; mail is now delivered directly to your mailbox instead of coming to the Administration Center to be held for 24 hours and sanitized
- We didn’t know that at first, so the greatest precaution was implemented
- If the answer is yes, then we are partnering with you to let you know the risk so that you can make an informed decision
- What is important however is to remember, your decisions impact more than just you; they impact your neighbors
- Let’s talk about one of those decisions that you may be faced with – large crowds
- If you choose to go to a public event with large crowds; then you need to do the right thing and quarantine yourself in your apartment upon your return
- If you do not choose to do this on your own, then you will be asked to quarantine for 14 days from the exposure
- Quarantine means you stay in your apartment, you do not go in common areas, you do not eat in a dining room, you do not hangout with your neighbors, you do not leave the property
- Large crowds could be a crowded store, a restaurant or bar, church, or a large family gathering – any place that includes 10 people who do not live in your same household is reason for concern
- Where you go, everyone at Fowler goes with you
- Please be prudent; we want you to have your liberties and freedom but we expect you to make good choices
- If you choose to go to a gathering outside of Fowler, choose to quarantine
- JOKE BREAK: Has COVID 19 forced you to wear glasses and a mask at the same time? You may be entitled to condensation
- The medical director for Parkland Hospital was interviewed by WFAA and he stated that “the science is undisputed”
- If a person with COVID interacts with another person and neither is wearing a mask, there is an 82-90% chance of transmission
- If the non COVID person has on a mask, the risk of transmission drops to 60%
- If the person with COVID has on a mask, the risk of transmission drops to 20%
- If both the person with COVID and the person without COVID have on masks, the risk drops to below 1%
- WEAR your mask
- It is your new accessory
- This week is 4th of July weekend – there will be no grocery deliveries on Saturday, July 4. When making your grocery orders, do not schedule for Saturday, July 4
- I want to go over these recommendations again as you are making decisions about any weekend plans
- Do not assume that everyone is taking the same precautions you are
- Here are questions you need to ask yourself and others in making these decisions
- Have you been socially isolating or going to public places?
- When going to public places, are you wearing your mask?
- Are you exhibiting symptoms – Fever? Cough? Respiratory illness?
- If any symptoms are present – don’t go
- We talked last week about living in the Now
- Focusing on the Past can bring regret
- Worrying about Tomorrow begets fear
- When we live in the Now, we can have peace focusing on what we know to be true
- We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so let’s focus on what we know now
- The virus is here today
- Masks work – wear a mask
- Wash your hands
- Leave Fowler for essential reasons only
- Socially distance and stay out of large crowds
- Let’s end with some more humor
- What is the difference between a hippo and a zippo?
- One is very large and heavy, the other is a little lighter
- Take a deep breath
- Enjoy today
- Focus on what you know
- Stay the course
- Make it a great day on purpose!
- Teammate Tuesday Updates:
- Linda Lange, receptionist, is celebrating her 9-year anniversary at Fowler
- Laura Deiterman, controller, is celebrating her 34-year anniversary at Fowler
- Raquel Harper, receptionist, is celebrating her 1-year anniversary
- Kudos to Sherri Munn and Michael Blackwell our dynamic duo in support services who have been coordinating deliveries for the past 3 months
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919