- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s sing along – thank you Chaplain Venessa
- We just completed a Fowler board meeting via Zoom Call. The board members send their love and support to you – our board members have been ambassadors for Fowler in their churches and in their circles of influence. We have churches all over Texas and Louisiana praying for us and they have been generous with their financial resources
- One of our board members shared a joke
- There are 2 problems with COVID
- Population density
- Population density
- COVID Update:
- Our numbers continue to rise
- Yesterday, Dallas County reported 391 cases and 4 deaths
- Our hospitalizations are increasing as well – 72 yesterday – there are 542 in the hospital
- The Mayor is looking at the utilization of the Kay Bailey Hutcheson Convention center for hospital overflow
- On a national level
- 21 states are experiencing a COVID surge
- New York governor has ordered anyone traveling to New York from Texas to quarantine for 14 days
- On a state level
- 4300 new hospitalizations in Texas yesterday
- The hospitalization numbers have triggered an Executive Order from the Governor
- Effective immediately, elective surgeries have been suspended in Bexar, Dallas, Harris and Travis Counties
- He also paused all reopening plans
- Here at Fowler
- We are still awaiting test results for the residents and team members who were tested 1 week ago today
- I want to remind all team members that no team members should be going into a building other than the buildings you are assigned to work in
- Two key messages for today
- The mandatory mask rule is intended to guard you and your neighbor
- The mask does not work if you do not have both your nose and your mouth covered!
- A reminder, wear your mask effectively
- Always wear a mask when out of your home
- I want to speak to the decisions that some of our independent residents make regarding whether they should leave Fowler, run an errand or go to a family members home
- These are your decisions and we are counting on you to make good ones
- There is a family in Carrollton that has 18 family members currently diagnosed with COVID
- They held a 30th birthday party for a family member and one family member was unaware they were COVID positive
- The grandmother did not enter the party – she interacted briefly outside with one person – she did not go in – and she is in the hospital
- The grandfather is now is now hospitalized and on life support
- That remains the greatest danger to this virus – the fact that someone could be COVID positive with no symptoms – it is possible they would never know
- We assume a gathering of our loved ones will be ok
- Story after story tells us differently
- As you make decisions about your July 4th plans, please be cautious
- We strongly recommend you stay home to stay safe
- If you spend time with your family, WEAR your mask, wash your hands, sanitize, maintain diligence
- Just a reminder regarding your grocery orders – we have a holiday coming up – NO DELIVERIES WILL BE RECEIVED ON Saturday July 4
- Do not schedule deliveries on that Saturday
- Make it a great day on purpose
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919