- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Let’s start off with a joke:
- An epidemiologist, an ICU doctor and a scientist walk into a bar…
- Just kidding they know better
- COVID Numbers
- In the past two days, Dallas County reported 2055 new cases and 28 deaths, yesterday was the 13th straight day of 1000+ new cases
- We have now recorded a total of 36,969 cases and 485 deaths – 14 cases for every 1000 residents
- 35% of all ER visits are COVID related
- We have rampant community spread – which is due to citizen behavior
- Love Your Neighbor Basics is consistent with what the health experts are telling us
- The County is urging all of us to adopt wearing face masks even in our homes with houseguests. Houseguests are anyone person, even family members, who do not live in your household with you
- The County is also recommending that you do not enter a place of business that does not allow customers to wear a face mask at all times – this would directly pertain to dine in restaurant options
- The Director of the CDC stated yesterday that if everyone in the US would wear a face mask we could get COVID under control in 4-8 weeks
- Continue your vigilance
- I mentioned on Tuesday that we were making decisions about contracting our grounds maintenance and I want to share that a landscaping firm has been selected for our maintenance
- They will start on Monday and will be on site several days next week
- The first order of business is to do an irrigation audit
- I also want to let you know that Chef Hector’s mother died and he has traveled home to be with his family – please keep them in your prayers
- We have started moving residents in
- We have protocols in place for bringing new residents into our community
- We are revising our marketing to begin attracting new prospects during a time of COVID. We are not doing tours at this time yet we still need to be able to show people what life at Fowler looks like. Tammy Oliver and Laura Porting are developing a series of virtual tour videos. We anticipate that two videos will be completed this week – one for Jackson Living Center and one for PNCC Assisted Living
- These will be posted on our website, YouTube and Facebook – stay tuned – they are really good and quite professional looking – be sure to tell your friends about these videos and help us share them if you are a Facebook user
- We are going to call these another COVID win – tapping skills in talents in our team in different ways
- Thank you – and make it a great day on purpose!
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919