- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- COVID Numbers
- Tuesday after the briefing, Dallas County reported 601 new cases and 20 deaths
- Wednesday, Dallas County reported 544 new cases and 7 deaths and Tarrant County experienced their record high of 606 new cases
- We are sharing these numbers with you so that you will continue to be vigilant in your choices and actions
- The pandemic is far from over; we cannot be “over it”
- I know we feel like we are just “over it” but we aren’t; COVID is still here
- The State of Texas Health and Human Services COVID dashboard and the Dallas County website provides additional data which we monitor daily
- In Texas, our data is showing men have the greater fatality rate – Men 54.8%, Women 40.9%, with 4.2% of unknown gender
- While 52% of new cases are 18-40; our older population continues to have the gravest outcomes – 72% of the fatalities are 65 plus.
- Lest you wonder why we are so focused on this – that number [72%] says it all
- We also have race and ethnicity data
- In the state of Texas, 37% of the confirmed COVID cases are Hispanic
- In Dallas County, 60% of new diagnosed persons are Hispanic
- I share this information for one reason and one reason only
- We are in the business of loving our neighbor; caring for our residents, teammates and families
- Our goal is to mitigate risk from COVID
- Lubia, our service coordinator at FCA, translated our Love Your Neighbor Basics card so that we can distribute to our Spanish speaking Fowler family – to our residents and teammates – so that they can distribute to their family and friends
- Fowler is doing their part, to provide tools and education to reduce the spread
- We will distribute these today and tomorrow before the 4th of July weekend
- The CDC has materials as well in multiple languages
- I want to speak directly to my teammates
- Gentry shared with us this morning that her husband will be working from home until further notice because they have had some breakouts in their work teams. His team has not been impacted and he will work from home out of an abundance of caution
- His company contact traced these break outs back to the break rooms
- While they had separated the tables and chairs; their employees were pushing them back together – they were NOT maintaining recommended social distancing rules
- As a result, when their masks were off and they were eating, they were unknowingly spreading COVID germs while talking
- Team, please remain vigilant in keeping your distance from each other
- We all want to eat across the table from our work friends – don’t do it; don’t let up
- For residents who are eating in a dining room
- Your tables and chairs have been placed according to our social distance standards
- Please do not move them
- Put your mask back on your face before you get up from the table to leave
- Regarding our delivery process I want to make a clarification
- Deliveries from family members and delivery services, such as Instacart, are accepted at our drop off points on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only, from 9a-5pm
- We are still having family members drop of items on Tuesday and Thursday
- We are no longer staffing the delivery stations on these days
- Please tell your family members that this applies to ALL deliveries not just groceries – there was a perception that it only applied to food
- A case of coke is still a delivery
- Clothes – still a delivery
- Flowers or gifts – still a delivery
- Laura Porting is coordinating our response to the 2020 United States Census
- The 2020 Census counts every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories
- You may have received a card or letter in the mail, and maybe you have already completed your census – great
- Laura is working with our life enrichment teams to make sure that our residents, specifically in assisted living and skilled nursing, are counted. These surveys will be done in person by our team members and the data will be entered under a special code provided by the Census Bureau – Fowler falls under the ‘General Quarters’ category and we will submit all of our data at one time
- If you live in Jackson or in FCA and you need help with your survey; your life enrichment person has the details for you
- Team members – be sure to do your civic duty and complete your census for your household
- It is important that we are all counted in the census as the census helps our federal, state and local governments plan for the future and can impact our public services as well the funding of those services
- The deadline for responding is August 7
- This weekend is 4th of July
- Continue to maintain Love Your Neighbor Basics
- Wear your mask
- Maintain 6 feet between you and your neighbor
- Wash your hands
- Sanitize
- Avoid large crowds
- As Nicole says, “Wherever you go, everyone at Fowler goes with you”
- Please continue to make good choices
- Residents, if you choose to go to a gathering outside of Fowler, choose to quarantine when you return
- Teammates, don’t. Just don’t.
- We have a special concert this afternoon at 4pm on Channel 6 – Texas Winds Orchestra will be performing – please tune back in at 4pm
- Thank you – and make it a great day on purpose!
All Daily Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919