- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- It has been one week since the Inauguration of our new president and vice president
- While this Inauguration may have looked slightly different – the crowds were not there due to COVID – we have once again had a peaceful transition of power which is a hallmark, a foundation of our democratic republic in the United States
- It was also a historic moment – our founders Juliette and Sarah would have been so proud to know that a woman has achieved the Vice Presidency
- There were several special moments of the Inauguration
- Lady Gaga and her rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner is one
- Her black and red ensemble was designed by creative director Daniel Roseberry, an American living in Paris
- You could not miss her gold pin – it was a dove with an olive branch and symbolized her hope that we all make peace with each other
- Certainly, 22 year-old Amanda Gorman found her place in history as the first person to be named the Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate
- We will provide the poem in its entirety along with today’s briefing and also here: The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman
- As of Monday, January 25, 2021, Dallas County reported 1698 new cases and 22 deaths
- Cumulative totals are 219,515 cases and 2030 deaths
- COVID is the 3rd leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer in Dallas County
- Currently there are 111 active long-term care facility outbreaks
- To date, 3669 residents, 2091 healthcare workers have had COVID in Dallas County
- Of those 745 have been hospitalized and 402 have died
- At Fowler, our FCA residents are recovering well
- We are preparing for our next round of Vaccine Clinics
- A question has been raised about residents who move to Fowler after the Vaccine Clinics – will they be required to be vaccinated?
- While that seems simple, it’s not that simple
- If you are listening to the news, you have heard how difficult it has been for people within the designated category of criteria to get on a list to receive the vaccine
- Its not that people don’t want it, there are a lot of barriers to receiving it
- Our current residents are very fortunate to have lived at Fowler and received vaccines during out clinics – we are the lucky ones
- We are aware of your concerns and we understand that once you are protected, you want to remain COVID free
- We will maintain our COVID protocols that have kept us safe for so many months
- Love Your Neighbor Basics will be maintained
- We will encourage new residents to get COVID vaccines asap and we will continue to review and monitor all current move-in protocols to determine if additional steps should be taken
- Last week I read an article called the Hidden Toll of COVID-19 – How the pandemic has impacted our health – far beyond the virus itself
- A New Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that more than half of all people in the US put off everything from doctor’s visits to routine screenings to care for chronic conditions
- Doctors are worried about this ‘pause-demic’
- Cancer screenings, physical therapy and elective surgeries stopped
- The number of screening appointments for breast, cervical, and colon cancer was 86-94% lower last March, than the average monthly number between January 2017 and January 2020
- The delay in elective surgery has had a critical impact on patient quality of life
- There has also been a dangerous delay in cardiovascular care
- Many people have mistakenly believed the symptoms they were experiencing were COVID [such as shortness of breath], only to find out they had a significant health condition
- The article urges that we put our fears to the side and be proactive about our health
- Do not delay going to the emergency room if you are having symptoms of heart attack or stroke
- If you are due for a screening, talk to your physician to discuss the pros and cons of doing it now – let your doctor know now if your having any worrisome symptoms
- We now have massive backlogs of elective surgeries and screenings, so it’s important to let your doctor know if your condition has changed
- On the flip side, some surgeries actually can wait, so its important to discuss the pros and cons with your physician
- Last Thursday, Lisa Mumford presented to the North Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking, as well as to the resident council at JLC about our new Youth Support Center
- This week our new intern started
- Julie Bryant, a UTA Master’s Social Work student, will be with us through August and brings a studies focus of substance abuse and sex trafficking to her work with us. Welcome, Julie!
- Sing along tomorrow at 230pm
- Songs will be hymns – we all have different taste in music and these are hymns that have been requested – they are more recent hymns so even if you do not know the song, join us and read the words – it will be a worshipful experience
- Good afternoon! Happy Teammate Tuesday!
- Wishing Adrian Monroe, a happy birthday. Adrian celebrated his birthday on Sun, 1/24
- Erin Mason will celebrate her birthday on Thursday 1/28. Happy Birthday Erin!
- Happy birthday to Jesus Delcampo who celebrated his birthday on Mon 1/25
- Jan Matise celebrates her birthday on Sat /30. Happy birthday, Jan!
- Gena Martinez’s anniversary is today! Happy 21-year anniversary, Gena. Wow!
- Jennifer Garland received this encouraging note from one of our assisted living families:
- I’d like to say “thank you” and express our gratitude for the beautiful environment and supportive, loving care mom has received these past ten months in assisted living, especially during these trying times for all. In this setting, she has regained her physical and mental health and is the person we knew 10 years ago! It has been wonderful to have her back, feeling stronger and doing so well. It has been nothing short of miraculous!
- This week is National Life Enrichment Week and we celebrate the dedication and creativity of our life enrichment professionals. This is the team that creates monthly calendars, newsletters and has facilitated visitation and many other additional COVID functions – thank you to these team members:
- Simone Stevens at JLC
- From the Jackson Team: Simone has been such a blessing to the Jackson family. Her positivity and her kindness shines through in everything she does. Her optimistic attitude and her fearlessness to try new activities is inspiring and constantly keeps our Life Enrichment programs fresh! Thank you for exemplifying Fowler’s values every day you show up!
- Tina Harris in Worth Memory Care:
- From the PNCC Team: Tina has been with our residents during their COVID transitions. She has navigated and worked with our I’m Still Here provider to implement a socially distant program. She has been instrumental in helping our residents have the best quality of life. Tina works quickly to reformat based on current conditions of our residents.
- Jackie Means in Carroll Neighborhood at PNCC:
- Jackie implemented the I’m Still Here program on Carrol. She ensures residents get 1:1 services for engagement and continued programming despite our restrictive movement requirements. She has been instrumental in ensuring residents get to visit with their family members either through window visits or Facetime calls.
- Keyairria Hatton in Junius and Flora Neighborhoods at PNCC:
- Keyairria is loved so much by our residents! Like all of our life enrichment team members, she has demonstrated flexibility and resilience in planning each day. She implemented our virtual Bingo game which has become a favorite of the whole PNCC and our families appreciate her efforts for Facetime calls and window visits.
- Ann Garcia at FCA:
- Ann has been with FCA for one month and has already formed relationships with the residents at FCA! She is making the rounds and creating life enriching opportunities for all the residents, despite being in a pandemic! This past Friday, she hosted a birthday party for the assisted living residents, bringing them What-A-Burger and pizza! Yesterday she hosted an Ice Cream social for E & F buildings! Thank you, Ann! We are all so happy you are part of our Fowler Family!
- Make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919