- Good afternoon Fowler Family!
- Nicole and Gentry are on a call with the city of Dallas discussing our Eastside project and are unable to be with you today
- As of 4:00 pm yesterday, November 30, 2020, Dallas County Health and Human Services reported 702 new cases and 5 more deaths.
- Tarrant County reported 3356 cases over the 4-day holiday weekend
- Texas is experiencing a full resurgence and we must do everything we know to do to stop the spread as hospitalization numbers continue to be a grave concern
- Thank you to all who chose safe holiday practices – your efforts will have an impact on all of us
- What you can do to protect yourself and others – LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR BASICS:
- Mask
- Remain distanced – at least 6 feet
- Perform hand hygiene often, using alcohol gel with at least 60% alcohol if unable to wash hands
- Practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette
- Avoid large gatherings
- Today we were notified that a resident in FCA 2 tested positive for COVID
- The resident identified cold-like symptoms last week and contacted their personal physician who recommended a COVID test. That test was done last Friday
- The resident has been quarantining for one week, has been around no one, and will remain in quarantine in their apartment
- Lubia has already notified those who reside on the same floor
- I want to remind everyone in Jackson Living Center that visitor restrictions remain in effect – no visitors in JLC at this time
- We are working through the details of the Essential Visitor Plan
- This visitation process is working well in PNCC and will be rolled out next in Jackson in the near future
- Today is December 1 and our life enrichment teams are planning holiday celebrations
- We have had churches and schools send us professionally produced talent show productions
- Hunt Oil who usually comes and carols as a group, has also produced a video of carols for you
- We will be able to broadcast this entertainment to you – watch for these special events on your life enrichment calendar
- Teammates, we will have a virtual holiday event on December 9 from 230-33pm
- Once again In & Out burger will provide meals for our staff Christmas party and they will be delivered to you as we cannot gather as a team in Fowler Community Center
- It will be a MASK-erade party and everyone is highly encouraged to wear a holiday mask – I saw a Santa beard mask online the other day – so put your creativity to work!
- Happy Teammate Tuesday!
- Wishing Jackie Chandler a very happy six year anniversary today!
- Happy one year anniversary to Lawanda Vance! Lawanda’s anniversary is Dec 4th.
- Jackie Wright’s anniversary is also on Dec 4th! Jackie has been at Fowler for 17 years! Wow!
- Teammate Story:
- From Ann McKinley: Shout out to Jennifer Garland, Jackie Means and Lawanda Vance for their coordination of window visits and a Zoom call with mom over the holiday – our entire extended family enjoyed a solid hour of conversation with mom and it was the highlight of our Thanksgiving – thank you for these efforts that mean so much
- Make it a great day on purpose!
All COVID Updates are posted on our website – www.fowlercommunities.org/covid19/
COVID Hotline: Phone: 214-515-7184 • Spanish Speaking Line: 214-515-1385
Email: Covid19info@fowlercommunities.org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919